2020 WSF General Assembly Cancelled
Due to the ongoing pandemic, the 2020 WSF General Assembly set to take place in Innsbruck has been cancelled. Organisation for the 2021 GA is already underway and the WSF is encouraging any member that wants to host to apply ASAP.
“Dear WSF Members,
The WSF Board hopes that you are all doing good and overcoming these difficult times.
Unfortunately, due to the circumstances, the 2020 WSF General Assembly has been officially cancelled and will not take place. The WSF Board has been evaluating different possibilities and options, but it has been decided to cancel the GA for this year and re-group next spring, for the 2021 WSF General Assembly.
The planning of next year’s General Assembly has started already and WSF would like to ask if any members have an interest in hosting the 2021 GA. Please submit the application to host as soon as possible to [email protected], so that in the upcoming month, the Board of Directors can evaluate the applications and proceed with organising.
During the summer month, the WSF team has been working on different projects and activities. Exciting updates will be shared soon with all the members.
If you have further questions, feel free to get in touch.
Kind regards,
WSF Board of Directors and WSF Secretary General”