Loaded 2020 Cruiser Preview

Loaded 2020 Cruiser Preview

Retail Buyers Guide:  Cruisers 2020

Brand:  Loaded Boards
Interviewee:  Pablo Castro

Loaded 2020 Cruiser Preview


How is the situation on the European cruiser market right now?
We launched our first cruiser this past month, The Coyote, so it’s hard for us to give a clear answer.  Initial response has been better than expected though.

What are your main price points for next season?
Our primary price points for completes are in the €350+ range as all of our products are premium quality with top-shelf components.  In 2019 we  launched The Coyote (€219.90 complete) and The Omakase (€319.95 complete) and results have been good so far.

Loaded 2020 Cruiser Preview

Loaded Cayote Complete Fat Free


What is your collection theme and which stories are you telling to get customers stoked on cruisers with a true boardsports flavor?
Performance, performance, performance.  A cruiser can be functional for commuting while still being tons of fun to ride and also usable for tricks.

Are you noticing an increase in female riders? Are you targeting this segment specifically?
Yes and yes.  We’ve been stoked to see our female demographic continue to grow every year.

Loaded 2020 Cruiser Preview

Loaded Coyote Decks


We are seeing a trend towards shorter longboards and cruisers with longboard constructions (drop-cruisers). Is that a trend you are serving?
Absolutely.  Performance is at the heart of our efforts and we’ve been applying our technology and know-how to cruisers with the introduction of The Coyote and The Omakase this year.

Which technical features are you the most proud of?
Ergonomic shaping.  We totally nerd out on all the fine details.  Sometimes less is more.

Do you offer e-skates?
Yes, we offer e-skates and e-skate conversion kits under the UnlimitedxLoaded brand.

What are you doing with (eco) materials, colours and graphics?
Minimizing environmental impact has always been a strong driver at Loaded. This is a work in process and we’re constantly trying to improve.  Notably, over the past year we’ve moved almost all of our epoxy over to bio-based epoxy.

Where are wheels and truck trends going?
Wheels:  Big and Soft.


Please name and describe your 3 highlight pieces and items that retailers should definitely order.
The Coyote
The Omakase UnlimitedxLoaded Electric
The Orangatang Caguama

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