Osiris FW22 Skate Footwear Preview
Retail Buyers Guide: Skate Footwear F/W 2022 Retail Buyer’s Guide
Brand: Osiris
Interviewee: Brian Barber, General Manager
How is the overall health of the European skate shoes market right now?
We continue to think the demand is there, but supply chains have been the most challenging part for everyone, we think once goods hit market, sell throughs should be well barring any government lockdowns. We feel product flow should start to improve through the 2022 year
How is Covid-19 continuing to effect business and how are you navigating the issues? Ie Carry overs/ shipping costs/ delays etc..
Supply chain issues from Asia and other regions continue to be a problem, we foresee this to continue until at least Mid-2022. We are trying our best to have minimal price increases, but this will continue to be a factor for most everyone with the overall inflation happening from freight, labor and material cost increases
What are your main price points for next season?
We are focusing on our staples such as the” D3 2001”, “Clone” and “NYC 83”. In addition, we have 3 new models for 2022 which are the “OG D3” (re-lease), “Graff” (re-release) and the Rize Ultra
What is your collection theme and which stories are you telling to get customers stoked on skate shoes this season?
Our continued theme thought out 2022 is the “Osiris Forever Collection”. With this we have introduced 2 of our Original’s from the 90’s, the OG D3 and The Graff! They seem to have garnered the most demand and retro is still going. Our classic skate “Black-Ops” series will continue to be in the mix as well
How are you serving the needs of retailers as more marketing shifts to digital channels?
Creating more content and sponsoring local kids in certain regions to help promote through digital channels and regional advertising
What general trends are you noticing in Europe right now?
90’s Skate Flare!
What is THE skate shoe style retailers need to stock this season?
“OG D3”, “Graff”, “Rize Ultra”, “D3 2001” and the “Clone”
Are you favoring more simplistic silhouettes or tech-heavy profiles?
We like to do a little bit of both that way we can accommodate the customers needs. We like not only to stay simple in coloring sometimes, but to also get fun, creative and crazy in your face profiles
Are you proud of any new technology in your shoes?
Comfort tech in the OG D3 and Graff
Are you focusing more on capsule or vulc? Which sells best for you?
Cup sole by far, but we will have a new Vulc at the end of the year