Many Mornings 2022 Socks Preview

Many Mornings 2022 Socks Preview

Retail Buyers Guide:  Socks 2022 Retail Buyer’s Guide
Brand:  Many Mornings
Interviewee: Przemek, Customer Relationship Manager

What is your collection theme and which stories are you telling to get customers stoked on socks with a boardsports flavor?
Each sock model we offer tells a different story or, to be more exact, allows it’s user to tell it’s own story. This is our trademark.

What general trends are you noticing?
People seem to be more and more interested in products that allow them to express themselves or to break the routine. In our case that can be done by adding colourful, mismatched socks to your suit for example to brighten up your day and say „hey, today I feel…” General interest in colourful socks is increasing and we believe that this is still just a beginning of colouring people’s mornings. And evenings.


How are you segmenting your boardsports sock collection?
We do not segment our collection, we do not define anything – we design socks and it is up to our users to decide what do they feel like wearing, which model suits them best, which design allows them to express themselves.

How are you helping retailers sell your socks and educate customers (POS displays, etc.)?
We support retailers in any way possible – we provide POS materials, a variety of displays (depending on retailer’s shop style and available space), constant support of our customer service that is willing to help anytime.

 What are your main price points for next season?
We want to do what is possible to keep our prices unchanged in opposite to what is happening on the market in general.


 Which technical features are you the most proud of? Anything new to talk about here?
It is not about some special feature, it is about how people feel about our product and we believe (based on feedback we gather and extremely low complaint level) that people in fact love to wear our socks.

What are you doing with materials, colours and textures?
We produce our socks from best available yarns. Best means for us two things basically: environmentally friendly and reliable. Of course it is obvious that our yarns have proper certifications – but that is not enough. We are able to visit our suppliers daily and see how they work, know the processes that are going in their factories. That allows us to be sure that quality of our socks is top notch and that planet loves our products for being friendly to her.


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