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Retail Buyers Guide:  Snow Safety F/W 2025/26 Retail Buyer’s Guide
Brand:  Recco
Interviewee: Julia Granhed, Head of Marketing

Are you feeling the impact of climate challenges (unpredictable conditions, snow at higher altitudes, more expensive costs) on your product demand and development?
We’re definitely feeling the impact. As the ingredient brand we are, when our brand partners are effected by the above conditions – we are too in the next step.

Which product do you expect to grow the most in your 2025/2026 collection?
Since the RECCO SAR helicopter detector was introduced a couple of years ago, we broadened our focus from winter to year round. With this evolevement, we added trail running, hiking, climbing and biking to the list of activities where it makes sense to be searchable with a RECCO reflector in case something goes wrong.

What non-avalanche products stand out from your 2025/2026 collection?
A growing focus on trail running. Camelbak launched their first RECCO equipped product the past summer, the Apex Pro run vest. This was the pinnacle product featured during the UTMB finals in Chamonix, where RECCO also exhibited for the first time.

What are your marketing stories for your 2025/26 collection?
Lighter and more flexible reflectors that are possible to integrate into packable and lighter garments. Helly Hansen launch their first packable down jacket this fall, the Everdown Hooded Jacket with the new reflector 742LT integrated. We also have a growing marketing focus towards the consumer, to raise consumer awareness of the year-round RECCO system.

How are you helping retailers to sell this category?
Our e-learning course “RECCO Academy”, a short and simple 15 minute course, to educate retailers on how to include safety in to conversation with the customer.

Key Products:

Will continue to grow the RECCO SAR helicopter detector network, adding more countries and locations, to make people in the outdoors searchable to rescuers year-round. We also continue our direct-to-consumer product category with a helmet reflector, a backpack reflector and a belt equipped with two reflectors.Those products should not replace the integrated reflectors within gear, however should provide an opportunity for people to become searchable. We are working with more and more brands on summer products, but this process takes time. That’s why we have these products available to give customers the chance to be searchable all year round in areas where we have a RECCO SAR helicopter detector in place.



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