FASE A Brand New Binding Technology For The Snowboard Industry
As binding entry systems continue to evolve, FASE redefines the two-strap design with a fast-entry system, promising a true two-strap feel and enhanced locked-in performance. Source sat down with Erwin Knoester, Engineer and Marketing Manager at FASE, to dive into the details of this innovation and their plans for FASE as an ingredient brand.

What did you identify was missing in the market?
We noticed that pro riders are not riding the latest major binding developments that have hit the market over the past few years. Recognizing this gap in the market, we realised that for decades, major binding innovations have prioritised convenience over performance, missing the mark for advanced riders who demand the highest level of performance. In the late ‘90s, there was already a significant trend toward convenience bindings, but they all disappeared because they couldn’t match the durability, choice of boots, riding performance and cross brand compatibility of traditional two-strap bindings.
What was the thinking behind developing FASE?
When you and your brand partners put snowboarding first, your approach to innovation naturally shifts. We set out to revolutionise the two-strap binding by collaborating with pro riders and market leading brands, prioritising performance at every step. Our vision for a next-generation two-strap binding was clear: to design a high-performance binding that enhances user experience without compromise. The system delivers unmatched performance, true board feel, lightweight design, universal boot compatibility, and exceptionally fast entry and exit. Engineered with pros in mind but built for everyone – from seasoned athletes to first-time riders – it excels in all conditions and terrain. FASE fills a crucial gap as the first fast-entry binding with truly uncompromised performance.
Please explain how the FASE binding system works
The FASE (Fast Entry System) intuitive design complements the traditional understanding of how to get in and out of a binding, effectively optimising the process and making it faster and smoother than ever to strap-in and shred. All it takes is one hand and one movement to get in or out! To get in, simply insert your boot into the binding, the AutoBack (highback) automatically closes around your boot while the Locked-In Toe Strap remains in place. Then simply buckle the FastStrap (ankle strap) with one hand to the preferred tension like you normally would.
To get out, simply open the FastStrap then lift your heel, the AutoBack naturally opens to release your boot. That’s it!
The main feature is the AutoBack (highback) which automatically closes around the boot. This innovative design is built around the pedal, a pressure sensitive lever that raises the highback to the boot when strapping-in and opens the highback when the rider disengages as they are unstrapping. The innovative long ladder strap, known as the FastStrap (ankle strap), is built to stay connected for smooth one-handed strapping-in and easy exiting of the binding. Last but certainly not least, is the Locked-In toe strap. Designed to remain in position to complement the intuitive motion of getting into the binding, the Locked-In toe strap features the LSR 2.0 buckle and a unique tri-toothed ladder to prevent slipping.
You have two worldwide patents can you explain them in more detail
Certainly! Our two worldwide patents are the result of six years of dedicated engineering and are key to the innovative design and seamless functionality of the Fast Entry System. The first patent covers the overall system, specifically the boot actuated highback rotation of the Autoback, creating space for effortless entry and exit. The second patent secures the toe strap buckle, locking it firmly in both directions as soon as ratcheting stops. This ensures that your toe strap position remains perfectly set throughout your sessions, so there’s no need for adjustments.
Please take us through the R&D process
The development of the FASE system was a major collaboration between pro riders and our brand partners. This unique partnership brought together a best-in-class group of expert binding engineers and passionate snowboarders to build the optimal system that seamlessly integrates with each brand’s own bindings. The original concept for the system was developed by David Partridge and JF Pelchat, with the Nidecker Group supporting it as an independent project since the beginning. “We approached the FASE design process like a treasure hunt,” said Antoine Floquet, head developer of FASE. “We knew what the goal was, but it took staying curious, and gathering rider feedback at every step to create a new binding system that’s both simple and groundbreaking.”
Once the initial versions came to life, we started collaborating with designers, engineers and athletes from the brand partners Rome Snowboards (Vermont), Bataleon Snowboards (Amsterdam), Jones (California) and at a later stage Thirtytwo (California) to ensure we met the demands of their riders. JF Pelchat, co-inventor commented, “This is the next generation two-strap binding! It’s pretty cool that every aspect of this project has been done by snowboarders; engineered by snowboarders, tested by pro riders, and finally sold by snowboarders to snowboarders. I feel that the FASE system elevates two-strap bindings, it’s everything you expect in a high performance binding plus so much more”.Rome’s Development Director, Justin Frappier, added, “For this project, we took a zero-compromise approach to integrate FASE with our legendary AsymWrap chassis. With this initiative, we were able to maintain all the adjustability and performance features Rome bindings are known for, but now with the added FASE System we are super proud to be launching what we believe to be a revolution in two-strap bindings.” Bataleon’s Product Director Michael Chilton claims that the Bataleon Blaster FASE rides just like his traditional two strap with the added benefits of the improved fit to his boots and ease of use getting in and out.
How do you differentiate FASE from Step-on, Supermatic, and Flow techs and what are each of their market positions?
The key difference between FASE and other systems is our commitment to never compromise performance for convenience. While many systems prioritise ease of use at the expense of board feel, weight, or boot compatibility, they often fall short of meeting riders’ needs. The FASE System is designed for riders who want the high performance of a two-strap binding, with an enhanced user experience.
The FASE Fast Entry System is incorporated on premium binding models in each of our brand partner’s lines. Providing this level of diversity gives riders a wide range of choice from day one. This also means that team riders from each brand will be riding the FASE-featured bindings, immediately elevating the products via their trust in the bindings. As of now Jeremey Jones, Victor De Le Rue, Maggie Leon, Chris Bradshaw and Pat Fava are all riding FASE system bindings.
Jeremy Jones was one of the first to spend time on the FASE System, riding the Jones Mercury FASE he explains , “The Mercury FASE binding is super intuitive to use. Getting in and out is second nature after a run or two. It is not until you return to a traditional binding that you realise how convenient and fast FASE-featured bindings are. You just get off the lift, slide your back foot in while still gliding, and charge down the mountain.”
Thirtytwo team rider Pat Fava commented after riding it at the DIYX STRT JAM, “I was really surprised by how the T32M FASE binding felt, I was kind of sceptical but it feels just like a normal two-strap binding. It’s super fast and easy to get in and out of and rides great. I immediately noticed they had a snug fit, great board feel and the straps are awesome.”
Jones rider, Victor De Le Rue, three-time Freeride World Tour champion, added: “FASE, Fast Entry! I initially had a few doubts, but on the first day of riding it, I forgot I was on a new binding as it felt so comfortable and performed great!”
Rome’s Maggie Leon is amazed how natural the user experience is and how the ROME Katana FASE is ‘hugging’ her small size boots. “ Katana FASE is everything I love about the Katana, but with improved heelhold and faster entry/exit!
The idea is for FASE to be an ingredient brand similar to BOA or Goretex, why have you decided to take this approach?
The beauty of the two-strap binding lies in its versatility and performance, which brands have been enhancing and diversifying for decades to suit any riding style, terrain, and conditions. We wanted to be able to provide this kind of diversity to the consumer while offering our revolutionary Fast Entry System. Which is why we chose to collaborate with some of the best brands in the industry to gain their experience and rider feedback, and to seamlessly incorporate the system into their best-in-class binding models. The added benefit of this approach is that with the different brands involved we will offer a FASE featured binding at a variety of price tiers in a structure that every retail partner is used to. Prices will vary based on material use, brand specific features, and finish exactly how prices are tiered right now with traditional two strap bindings.
How can other brands get involved?
For the 25/26 season the FASE Fast Entry System will be featured on models with Thirtytwo, Bataleon, Jones and Rome. We’re open to licensing it to other brands in the future. The goal of FASE is to evolve the snowboard binding industry by making our technology accessible to brands that represent snowboarding and its culture.
How will the models of the four launch partners Thirtytwo, Rome, Jones and Bataleon differ?
A major benefit of the FASE concept is that it allows each partner brands’ binding design objectives to remain intact. The FASE System is incorporated into the best-in-class models of each brand: the Rome Katana, Jones Mercury, Bataleon Blaster, and Thirtytwo’s first binding, the T32M. Named after their iconic boot model, the T32M features colorways with pro riders Pat Fava and Chris Bradshaw, as well as a collaboration with Volcom.
How do you see FASE impacting the binding market going forward?
We see the FASE Fast Entry System as forever changing the binding market in the most positive way possible. The universal nature of the interface means any boot, any board and every rider will be able to enjoy this new way of strapping-in. With FASE, riders no longer have to sacrifice performance for convenience. Launching four distinct FASE-featured bindings in partnership with four of snowboarding’s most influential brands, we’re delivering the industry a powerful lineup that offers something for every rider and redefines what’s possible on the mountain. The system is also not exclusive – we want to work with more like-minded brands to incorporate the system and evolve the snowboard binding category together.
We feel this is a revolutionary turning point for snowboarding and for the industry. This will create a new level of choice for riders across the globe who love the feeling of strapping-in and value the locked-in hold that their favorite binding models provide.
The revolution is here, and it has straps.
All media inquiries and licensing requests should be directed to the FASE brand Marketing Lead, Erwin Knoester: [email protected]
Instagram: www.instagram.com/fase.system
Youtube: www.youtube.com/@fasesystem