Bone Bindings Launch New Binding Technology
Bone Bindings have just launched their revolutionary binding system, which offers riders greater freedom of movement via a tilting mechanism that lets your legs pivot on the board. Source sat down with the founder TJ to hear all about it.
How did Bone Bindings first get started?
The idea behind Bone Bindings began from feeling over-restricted in traditional bindings. Even after riding for years, there was always this sensation that it’s possible to be more comfortable and flexible. Thinking about it, and after lots of experimentation, we developed this new way to be connected to your board. As it turns out, being more free opens up huge possibilities in snowboarding.
How does the technology differ from other binding systems on the market?
The distinctive feature is a tilting movement that lets your legs pivot with respect to the board. The binding turns about an axis pointed along the foot at ankle height. This lets you be way more flexible while still having control. There’s nothing like this on the market.
Don’t riders fall over or have knee problems?
Funnily enough, it’s arguably better and more comfortable. Now, you can always position your legs where it feels most natural. On long traverses and flats, being able to move helps a lot. On the lift, your knee is way less stressed because the board hangs down without twisting your leg. It all adds up to being less tired at lift closing. Obviously, traditional bindings work, but these are an improvement. It does take a couple runs to get used to the new surfy feel. For stability, it’s almost stupid to say, but you have control of your body since you’re attached to the board in 2 places: your front foot and back foot. With the pivot axis at ankle height, the binding creates a mini-swing where your legs rotate naturally. The key is in the height of the axis. It means your knees don’t wobble at all. Riding through chunder, icy conditions and landing jumps is no problem. The bindings stay stable. If you were going to stomp with traditional bindings, you’ll stomp with these.
What benefits and what are the possibilities?
There are lots of both. In the air, being able to pull the board closer to your body lets you do a whole new style with extreme tweaks and potentially faster rotations. Getting to these positions feels awesome. For ground tricks you can snap your ollies harder, using your board like a lever. It’s very fun and very different. For tailblocks, your body is in this new position where you can stay crouched and powerful. On traditional tailblocks your legs are perpendicular to the board, but with these you are way more stacked. We think this is going to mean a lot of new tricks for jibbing and bonking. We are experimenting with a new board made for this with the nose and tail bent up (it’s part of the patent). It only makes sense to look at this now since this body position is new. Doing these tail and nose tricks becomes easier. For powder you can have a new setup letting your back leg bend down like it would on a surfboard.
As the founder, please tell us about your background in the snowboard business.
As a founder, I’ve loved snowboarding for decades along with the rest of our team but as consumers. We are new to the business side. Personally, I have a background in inventing weird and cool amusement rides. As strange as it sounds, it’s related.
What was the idea behind the brand?
The brand is created around this totally new movement. It combines a lot of different ideas – adventure, trying new things, opening your mind to new possibilities. It’s awesome to do things you didn’t know were possible. Whereas big established companies might be hesitant to try something new like this, we are a start-up with nothing to lose. We are positioned to do something cool and disruptive. Snowboarding has its roots as a counterculture, and we’re returning to those roots.
How will Bone Bindings be distributed across Europe?
We sell to any interested shops and online. Shops are fundamental to snowboarding culture and we are intentionally keeping our online price higher than the shop retail price to encourage riders to buy locally.
Why should retailers stock the brand?
In hindsight, there have been a lot of years of products where someone might ask, “Is it really different?” Bone Binding is a legitimate big change and a reason for riders to check it out.
Which on snow demos will retailers be able to try the bindings?
We’ll be at Shop’s First Try and Interlude. If other demos want us to exhibit, we are interested – please contact us.