Absinthe EVERSINCE Premiere in Munich – Gallery & Roundup
Absinthe Filmer & Euro Tour Manager David "Vlady" Vladyka with Onboard's Head Honcho Tom CopseyOnboard's Copsey photobombing Pleasure photographer Michi Lehmann.Rome SDS's Euro Marketing Manager Phil KämmererOnboard's Web Editor Sam OetikerMillhaus Junior Project Manager Jonas Ruppersberg, former WSL Communications Manager Meike Vetter, Alex & Swox Co-Founder Max Jagsch.Former MBM Graphic Designer Corinna & Snowboarder MBM Editor Yalda WalterBlue Tomato hosted the premiere in the City Kino MunichESL offered the chance to win a trip to Whistler - fingers crossed!Vincent Renand from Absinthe Snowboards watched over the raffleWaiting for the last team riders to arrive before the premiere was able to startMunchie Konsilium Co-Founder Muck Müller & Burrito Company's PhilippMervin MFG's brand new PR & Marketing Manager Julia Mantler with Pleasure Magazine legends Christian Öfner & Anke Eberhart.Get out of the way Copsey & lets watch the movie!.