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During ISPO Mervin Manufacturing invited endemic media along to their Munich showroom for a fondue evening with pro riders Nicolas Müller & Fredi Kalbermatten. SWISSPO, as the evening was called, allowed media to drink plenty of Scnapps with team riders and the Mervin management team while talking through 18/19 product.
Prime's Basti Gogl, Lib-Tech team rider Fredi Kalbermatten & Holden's Mikey Leblanc Mervin's Lauren Lidford (UK distributor) & snowboarding legend Nicolas Müller with his 1819 GnuMervin's Hendrik Teutsch & Ahriel Povich from Whiteout MagPleasure Mag's Tassilo, Onboard's Tom & Prime Mag's Basti GoglSir Thomas Copsey dishing out the SchappsMervin's Marian Kaeding, Lauren Lidford and Method Mag's Chriso McApline. Too much Schnapps makes for blurry photos!Fondue a plenty