Homeboy SS19 Men’s Streetwear Preview
Retail Buyers Guide: Men’s Streetwear FW19/20
Brand: HOMEBOY loud couture
Interviewee: Julian Wolf, Head of Marketing
Where do you see the state of the streetwear market in boardsports right now?
I saw streetwear using boardsports (especially Skate) as a crystal ball to take a little peek into what comes next and now using it as a tool to keep the `gnarly vibes´ up. By this, I mean that the larger part of streetwear fans are these timid kind of people who like to watch others doing gnarly stuff while for them identifying with their style seems to be enough. The boardsport brands themselves are influencing and even creating the streetwear trend without even recognizing.
What are your main price points for next season?
We see ourselves in a reasonable price range. For us, it’s important to stay affordable without being cheap.
How are you segmenting your streetwear collection?
We don’t. Streetwear is inspired by creative people doing their business in the streets. There would be millions of segments just as we get inspired by so many different facets of it.
Amidst all the variety, are you seeing any dominant trends for SS2019?
Baggy pants!
What are your main stories in terms of materials for 2019?
Keeping it in the best quality someone actual can afford. It’s a short story.
Which colours and graphics are on trend right now?
Colours are still fighting their way through never ending black and white. But they are coming back strong. Furthermore, big photo graphics and big logo prints are definitely on trend, after years of clean Scandinavian looks without any prints and graphics.
What are the main cuts and constructions?
Definitely a big range of oversize pieces when it comes to tops. For us, the most important thing to construct at the moment is a Baggy, though. And “construct” is the right term because we have to create something that looks just as baggy as our pants were looking in the 90s, but actually fits into a modern movement of fashion. Maybe keeping it cropped to show the newest pair of sneakers you are wearing, but definitely give it a tapered cut so it doesn’t look like you are throwing punch lines for a living.
How are fits evolving in tops, bottoms, jackets?
More than a decade ago the skate scene started wearing skinny jeans and tight tops, because it was new, it was kinda punkish and it was just different from the mainstream. Now, that they see their parents wearing these fits they have to start a movement against them. To differ again, tops, bottoms and jackets are getting wider and as I said, especially the Baggy Pant will have the biggest of comebacks.
Please name and describe your 3 highlight pieces and items that retailers should definitely order.
Baggy Pant – Our X-TRA BAGGY is equipped with the key details we were using back in the 90s but interpreted into the state of time streetwear movement.
Logo shirt – THE best seller and brand ambassador in the streets.
Scarf – You gotta have an accessory that works. We have our extra long “Gude Freunde”-Scarf for the cold winter days.