Our friends at Wasted Talent Mag released their third printed mag, celebrating with parties in both South Africa and their home in Hossegor. Releasing the mag in the dead of the South African winter while releasing it in the height of the European summer, these zany Hossegor dwelling chaps decided to release an issue that split in the middle, ‘High Summer / Dead Winter’ they call it. Any one that knows this lot, know they like a party – fun times in our One Eyed Monster! Hossegor images first, with South Africa images after.
Wasted Talent Volume III
Volume III getting consumed. High Summer Party Hossegor.Benjamin Jean Jean’s installation, courtesy of their good friends at RVCA. High Summer Party Hossegor.Jules and Gaspard from Cockpit setting up. High Summer Party Hossegor.The lubricator of the night. Man & Wolf beer. High Summer Party Hossegor.Ben and Fred from Wasted Talent, getting lubricated. High Summer Party Hossegor.Julien from Cheaap. High Summer Party Hossegor.As the first notes from Cheaap’s live thundered through Coolin, first thoughts of these amplifiers being way too big turned out to be right.High Summer Party Hossegor. High Summer Party Hossegor.You know a concert is rowdy when you have to stand up in front of the musicians to stop people from the moshpit flying into them. High Summer Party Hossegor.A very fun time indeed (as illustrated by the malicious second dude on the right). High Summer Party Hossegor.Cheaap doing their thing. High Summer Party Hossegor.A Wasted Talent tote bag. High Summer Party Hossegor.The winners of our Stance giveaway? Or maybe 2 mojito influenced girls having a good one. High Summer Party Hossegor.Cheaap, and a complete disregard for their own gear indeed! High Summer Party Hossegor.DEAD Winter Party SA. Wasted Talent stickers - the best way of costuming your shoes. Or even that weird blue jacket of yours. DEAD Winter Party SA.
Or that even weirder orange jacket of yours. DEAD Winter Party SA.
Or you beer tap. DEAD Winter Party SA.Or your beer. DEAD Winter Party SA.A small catalan boy the guys at WT are quite familiar with. DEAD Winter Party SA.
The two tears under the left eye can’t lie. Tha Carter was at the release party. DEAD Winter Party SA.The one and only Beyrick. DEAD Winter Party SA.Free beers and a free magazines. The way to a grom’s heart. DEAD Winter Party SA.Light beams and a very crowed Mexican. DEAD Winter Party SA.
The crowd. Exposed. DEAD Winter Party SA.Our Dead Winter cover. A great tool for the birth of your cigarettes. DEAD Winter Party SA.The High Summer cover also does a great job at this. It prefers industrial cigarettes to roll ups though. DEAD Winter Party SA.
Also a great one for their last hours. DEAD Winter Party SA.A lit night indeed. DEAD Winter Party SA.