Scandalnavians 2 photo by Eric Nylander

SCANDALNAVIANS 2 European Premiere Tour Cancelled, But Full Movie Screening Free December 1st

Due to the restrictions on gatherings as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic, the European tour for the premiere of SCANDALNAVIANS 2 has been cancelled.

Press Release:
Due to the current situation regarding COVID-19 unfortunately all of the Scandalnavians physical European premiere stops have been cancelled.

However we will now release a Digital Online World Premiere and the full length movie for your free viewing pleasure on the 1st of December 2020 on Scandalnavians Youtube channel and on

Riding by: Sven Thorgren, Nils Arvidsson, Johan Nordhag, Ludvig Billtoft, Eiki Helgason, Halldor Helgason Antti Jussila, Alek Oestreng, Len Roald Jørgensen, Kris Lerånd, Fridtjof “Fridge” Tischendorf and friends

Supported by: Monster, Airblaster, Nitro, Lobster, Rip Curl, Salomon, Rome, Horsefeathers, Vans and K2 Snowboards

103 surftech SURF




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