Arbor Ohio 2021 Poehlein

Arbor Release Short Vid Exploring Relationship With M. Bohlke Veneer Corporation

Tomorrow, September 30, Arbor Snowboards are releasing a short vid that explores the story of their veneer supplier, M. Bohlke Veneer Corporation. The video covers how Arbor ensures the wood used to make their snowboards is sustainably sourced and how they ensure each board is made to a high quality. 

Filmed and edited by videographer, and snowboard super nerd, Sean Lucey, the video sees Nick Bohlke’s telling all about his company, and sharing how Arbor endeavour to always use the best wood possible.

“We have searched far and wide to track down the best wood that perfectly meets our high sustainability, quality, and beauty standards. For our Powerply Topsheets, we know we have the perfect fit with M. Bohlke Veneer Corporation. 

Located in the great city of Cincinnati, our relationship with M. Bohlke ensures we know exactly where our wood is coming from and how it is processed. Through our close relationship, we can inspect the wood up close with our own eyes, see the entire process to ensure the passion for sustainability is shared and executed, and instill confidence that we are using the best materials possible. It’s relationships like the one we share with M. Bohlke that make us feel immense pride in the product we sell.

We believe in our process, we believe in businesses like M. Bohlke, and we firmly believe that our use of real wood makes Arbor boards unlike any other in the industry.“





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