Blue Tomato’s Best Foot Forward AM Skate Contest Series 2018

The Best Foot Forward Tour is coming to Europe for the first time since 2007! For only the second time, the tour will take place over three continents with a combined 40 stops – five of which will be in Europe from May-July, 2018.

Tourstops 2018

19.05. Stuttgart 

21.05. Innsbruck 

09.06. Berlin 

23.06. Dortmund 

07.07. Zürich/Winterthur 

Time Table 2018

13:00 – 15:00: Check in / Registration / Training 

15:00 – 18:00: BFF 2018 Amateur Contest 

18: 00-18: 30: Best Trick & Award

The Best Foot Forward Tour is considered the largest amateur skateboard contest series in the world. Former winners include; Ishod Wair, Tom Asta, Jamie Foy, Miles Silvas, Jack Olsen, Chris Wilmer and Alec Majerus.

The winners of the individual tour stops get an all-inclusive Trip to America to the finals including flights, food and accommodation. The finals in the US will take place in September – where and when exactly has yet to be announced/

Sign up here. 

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