board shop day

Board Shop Day Returns For Its 2nd Year On Sept 19

Board Shop Day is back! Celebrate by heading down to your local surf shop- browse what they have to offer, add another board to your already one-too-many quiver, chat to the guys and gals of your surf community, find out about new places to hit the waves and get involved.

Press Release:
The second annual Board Shop Day will be held September 19th, 2020 worldwide. This holiday is normally celebrated the 3rd Saturday in May but was postponed in 2020 due to COVID-19.

The goal is to put the special back into specialty retail and not make Board Shop Day a holiday of sales and discounting.  This is a day to celebrate the board shops that breed culture. Ocean and Earth are releasing a limited-edition Board Shop Day hat that will be available at Surf Shops in Australia and a handful of retailers in the USA.

About Board Shop Day:
Board Shop Day is an annual event celebrating independent board shops that are vital to our surf, skate, and snow industry on the 3rd Saturday in May. Building the Revolution founder Mike Vavak decided to create this event to honour board shops around the world.  “It’s been said before that Board Shops are the temples of our industry. Let’s protect our temples and celebrate them. “Is it too much to ask, that we ask for a day dedicated to the shops that created an industry and culture for many of us.”

For More information on Board Shop Day go to @surfshopday or @Building_The_Revolution on Instagram.

122 Jones splitboards/boots/bindings
121 Armstrong wing/foil
120 Indiana SUP




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