Retail Buyers Guide: Mens Surf Apparel S/S 2025 Retail Buyer’s Guide
Brand: Brakeburn
Interviewee: Simon Whittington, Head of Marketing
How did your brand cope with the Men’s Surf Apparel market in 2024?
We found the early spring to be tricky in UK retail with the delay in Summer. However, once the weather came so did the sales. Our resort stores have reported strong July sales.
What is the strategy for SS25: carrying-over staple SKUs and/or fresh pieces to boost demand?
We have increased our option count of our popular Boardshorts and doubled our option of printed tees. Our unique ‘Chinook’ changing robes have also been well received, we will be offering more than 12 options.
The fabric spectrum has expanded from the cotton or poly options. Which materials are rising/declining? Whilst we have seen a rise in organic cotton, this has been challenging to produce in with increased material prices globally. Recycled poly is still a good option, the amount of clothing made from is is expected to double by 2030.
Which color/prints will you offer in SS25?
We have introduced some bright orange and pinks. Floral prints are still selling well along with a cool retro stripe which we run season on season.
How will you be helping retailers to sell your brands
We are developing a new POS pack to tell stories in our Brand Partners stores. We have also managed to retain a good retailers margin.
Key Products:

Retro Boards Tee: