EuroSIMA & OSV Opens Applications For ‘Call For Innovation Projects 2020’
EUROSIMA and Outdoor Sports Valley are supporting innovation as innovation “will undeniably be a key factor in a rebounding economy” – therefore, the applications to the Call for Innovation Projects 2020 are now open.
EUROSIMA & OSV Support Innovation
In this unprecedented and exceptional set of circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis, for EUROSIMA and Outdoor Sports Valley, the utmost current priority is to answer immediate and urgent member needs and requests. To do so, the two Outdoor and Action Sports industries associations have set up a number of emergency measures and support resources for their members.
That being as it may, in this time of quarantines and distancing, EUROSIMA believe it is still important to encourage and support innovative businesses. That is why both associations have decided to maintain and renew the Call for Innovation Projects in the fields of Action Outdoor Sports.
Because, yes, most of us are in confinement, but EUROSIMA and OSV are still actively working. So they might as well put this unique situation to good use. Innovation, will undeniably be a key factor in a rebounding economy when we begin to exit the COVID-19 crisis. It is therefore, more than ever essential to encourage and support our innovative entrepreneurs through this challenging time.
2020 Call For Innovation Projects:
Open to all members and future members of both clusters, this Call for Projects aims to support and showcase either a project for a product or a service, the creation of a business or the diversification of an existing activity in so far as the project is linked to innovation eco-design.
1 Winner Will Be Rewarded:
The 2020 winner will receive:
- 5000 € in financial aid/ funding
- The possibility to pitch the project to the audience at the Surf Summit conference (Seignosse)
- 1 invitation to the Surf Summit conference (Seignosse)
- 1 invitation to the annual Waterman’s Ball (Hossegor)
- The opportunity to present the innovation in the Surfing Lounge exhibit (Seignosse)
How Do I Apply?
The 2020 Call for Innovation Projects is open to all EUROSIMA or Outdoor Sports Valley cluster members and future members, whether as existing businesses or project carriers.
All types of ideas, new products and technologies can be developed and considered in so far as they have an application within the field of Action Outdoor Sports.
The application form is to be downloaded, completed and returned by mail by July 24, 2020 at the latest. The jury will deliberate on September 16, 2020 and the final results will be announced on October 1, 2020 during the Surf Summit conference.