B2B Brands Family Testival in Oberstdorf, January 2022

This year, Source attended the 1st edition of the B2B Brands Family Testival in Oberstdorf. The Testival took place across January 30-31, 2022, up by the Nebelhorn’s mountain cable car station. However, due to snowy and windy conditions, exhibitors chose to relocate the event to the Nebelhorn’s middle station for day 2. Unfortunately, around 2PM on day 2, heavy snow and strong winds forced the exhibitors to take their stands down and send all their equipment down the cable car to the bottom station.  Even though testing was limited by the conditions everyone has happy to have had the opportunitiy to test some 22/23 products. On Sunday, once everyone had finished testing, there was a get together at Mario’s Bohne & Clyde gas station, which was hugely welcomed after such a stormy day and thoroughly enjoyed by all.

Brands in attendance included 32, Amplid, Arbor, Bataleon, Burton, Capita, Deeluxe, Dragon, Flow, Goodboards, Gnu, Jones, Libtech, Nidecker, Now, RadAir, Rome, Slash, Smith, Telos, Templeton, Union and Yes.

The organisers Kolja Grischa Keetman and Toby Hammer would like to thank all the brands and retailers who made it to the event.

Here’s our One-Eyed Monster gallery!

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110 Telos Snowboarding
110 Rome Snowboards



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