Behind the Scenes of the Big Wiig portrait shoot with Filip GoodOffice Manager Helena LeirichHelena greeting visitors at the Front Desk at the entry of the spacey loft office.......that features not only a recreational Ping Pong table.... ...but also loads of space for two weekly yoga sessions.... well as lots of more new employees in the additional space that also shows the typical GoPro POS displayOnce the construction works in this up-and-coming Munich neighbourhood are done the view will reach to the AlpsBrand Protection Lead EMEA Laurens DenkeEvent Specialist Björn, Benz, Promotional Coordinator Claudia Rönsch & Event Specialist Sebastian TuntkeManager Event Marketing EMEA Katja Hiersmann and Intern Event Marketing EMEA Christina Schirmer.Isabel Pakowski - Manager Media Relations EMEA PR Assistant Celine PottierAssistant Editor Jose HernandezSports Marketing Manager EMEA Martin SteinbachRegional Lifestyle Marketing EMEA Philipp SchlösserResort Partnership Coordinator Björn FriedrichNational Account Managers Christoph Ehrenzeller and Unai BasabeMarketing Operations Manager Sebastian SteinelTrade Show Coordinator Sebastian Ditschler