EuroSIMA Surf Summit Recap

EuroSIMA Surf Summit : Seignosse, France, October 1-2, 2018

On October 1st and 2nd industry professionals from across action sports sector gathered at Belambra Club Les Estagnots de Seignosse for the 17th edition of the Surf Summit, under the theme of “inventing the industry of tomorrow”.

First up was Kai Lenny, Hawaii’s big surfer and waterman prodigy, who shared his vision of aquatic sports new practices with the audience. The morning was rounded off by Gibus de Soultrait, Publishing Director of Surfer’s Journal France examining the the origins of the surfing and demonstrating how the idea of ​​resistance is part of surf culture.

After lunch Frédéric Tain, editor-in-chief of, analyzed the increasing weight of sales to consumers via the web. He was followed by Thomas Rouault, the co-founder and CEO Snowleader, talking about the growth of his business. The end of the day saw Once and Fresh Barrel, the winners of the EUROSIMA 2018 corporate sponsorship and the Action Outdoor Sports Innovation Call for Projects, pitch their projects to the audience.

The second day opened with Mathieu Crépel, the French snowboard world champion, examining the parallels between mountain and ocean. Then we were in the hands of Claude de Piante, entertainer and hypnotherapist, who demonstrated the positive effects of self-hypnosis on the development of our potential. After lunch it was the turn of Ariane Vincent of Neon C and Arnaud Dutilh who looked at Iconic brands.

Finally to round of the conference, Julien Vivier, Director of Studies at Nielsen Sports, gave us some highlights from their study on the European consumer profiles of Action Sports. During the Surf Summit in the conference hall, EUROSIMA  presented the 5th edition of the Surfing Lounge exhibition, a selection of the most innovative products and services in the Action Sports sector, highlighting the know-how, creativity and dynamism of the members.




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