The European Dealer Meeting for Fanatic/Boards & More took place the first two weeks in October in Tarifa. The first week was for dealers from Holland, France and Spain and in Fanatic welcomed German and Italian shops, giving all dealers had the chance to test the complete board ranges for Fanatic Windsurf and SUPs, available to demo from the beachfront test tent.
Fanatic had pro riders Victor Fernandez, Klaas Voget, Gollito Estredo, Marco Lang,waterman Airton Cozzolino, Kai Steimer and Kai Bates on hand to show the full potential of products and all chipped in to help Brand Manager Craig Gertenbach & Product Manager Dani Aeberli present products. The athletes also helped in divulging some R&D background and other insider information to help dealers in selling the product.
Airton Cozzolino & Gollito EstredoAlice Arrutkin & Thomas Vincent.Alice ArutkinAlice Arutkin Alice Arutkin Alice Arutkin Alice Arutkin Alice Arutkin Alice Arutkin Alice Arutkin Alice Arutkin & Kai BatesBoardsBoards Boards Boards Boards Craig & Laurent CouqCraig GertenbachDaniel Aeberli & Craig GertenbachDaniel Aeberli, Marco Lang Craig Gertenbach & Klaas Voget.Erwan BordierFoils.Fred BonnefFrench DealersFrench Dealers French Dealers German & Austrian dealersGerman & Austrian dealers German DealersGollito EstredoItalian DealersItalian presentationKai SteimerKlaas Voget, Victor Fernandez, Nacho Rocha, Gollito Estredo.LF Boards and more dinner, Airton Cozzolino & Golllito EstredoLF Boards and more dinner, Craig & GollitoLF Boards and more dinner, Craig & Marco.LF Boards and more dinner, Gollito, Surf Planet TorboleLF Boards and more dinner, Marco Lang, Gollito Estredo & KarinLF Boards and more dinner,Gollito, Karin & AirtonParty vibes with Karin Gollito, Alice, Klaas, Craig, BeatSpanish DealersSpanish, Dutch & UK DealersSpanish, Dutch, UK DealersTarifa sunsetVictor Fernandez