
Horsefeathers 30th Anniversary Sales Meeting Roundup

In the last week of November 2018, the Anniversary HF30 International Sales Meeting took place for the second time in the small Czech resort called Monínec. Monínec is equipped with a unique Snow-factory technology so that more than 50 participants from all over the world can enjoy a sick setup, even before the season officially started, to ride together during the on snow party.

This year’s Sales Meeting was an important one for Horsefeathers, as in the autumn of 2019, when the presented collection will hit the stores, it is the 30th anniversary of the first Horsefeathers idea and therefore a celebration. The whole story began when one of the two co-owners, snowboarders, Hanuš Salz, lived in Rock Creek, British Columbia, Canada. In Rock Creek and surrounding area, the handful of kids who were snowboarding in those early days went riding whenever they could. When Stew Carlson started using his grandmother’s quote “That’s Horsefeathers Stewart!” (With the most proper British accent, meaning “That’s Nonsense”), an idea was born. Joel DeVille then made a first linoleum print and Nigel Price the first designs. Horsefeathers became a kind of an inside joke to the crew that more-less made up all snowboarders attending the BCSS high school.
For 30 years now, Horsefeathers’s DNA is still the same: the love for snowboarding.

In addition to all the business people, the complete Horsefeathers Global team arrived to the Sales Meeting consisting of Halldor and Eiki Helgason, Tyler Chorlton, Mans Hedberg, Antti Jussil and Egor Chebanov, who not only presented their W1920 Signature lines, shredded together with the whole crew during the on-snow party, but also hosted the second annual Horsefeathers Sneak the Tweak public session that was serious madness!

Look forward to the new Horsefeathers W1920 collection. In addition to being an annual collection, you’ll also find plenty of essential news!

# HF30




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