In Pictures: 2023 Rhythm Europe Sales Meeting & Press Day

A Key player in the hardware category for decades, Hoff Distribution has made a foray into the apparel segment over the last few years , having secured the European license for the Australian-born label Rhythm.  In June Hoff held its annual sales meeting in the gorgeous Lafitenia Resort, France, , hosting a sales force from all over Europe. While staying true to its surfy roots, the brand observes a strong appeal from the retailers outside the action sports spectrum, and notably from the female customers thanks to a high-end swimwear offer. Here is a quick glance at the upcoming collections and attendees to the 2023 Rhythm Europe Sales Meeting.

Credit for the photos belongs to: ©Thomas Claverotte, ©David Bianic


121 Armstrong wing/foil
122 Jones splitboards/boots/bindings
120 Indiana SUP



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