The SOURCE team was at ISPO in Munich for day 3 of the 2017 show. Below are all the images.
adidas eyewear Global Media Manager Christian Jany with the new Horizoradidas eyewear new women's model ExcalateAirhole's Joel showing their 10K breathable pieces, all made from recycled PET bottles and at the same priceArc'teryx new Voltair Air Bag avalanche backpackArc'teryx new women's ski touring : splitboarding bib pants Shaska were awared ISPO Gold Winner.BIC Earth SUP with cork, paulownia & flax fibresBIC Sales Manager Malte Büchler with the new inflateable SUP Air SeriesBlack Diamond ISPO Award Gold Winner Helio 3 in 1 Glove with Primaloft insluation and removable inner glove made from softshellBlack Diamond new Jetforce airbag backpack works with a rechargable battery that deflates the airbag after 3 mins, leaving you a 200 liter air pocket for breathingBrands for Good - Be Part Of The Movement!Brands for Good also has a front desk with flyersBrands for Good and Green Room Voice team up to educate brands and consumers likewiseBrands for Good booth showcasing brands that put an effort into sustainable, eco-frienldy and ethical projects.Brands for Good Green BaliBrands for Good is the perfect hub for all visitors interested in the green(er) side of thingsBrands for Good MerchandiseBrands for Good OptixBrands for Good Re-DownBrands for Good RepatrnBrands for Good VaudeBrands for Good with Arc'teryx and Jones SnowboardsBrands for Good with Armada & Alpine InitiativesBrands for Good with Ecoa & MizuBrands for Good with Grown and NZeroBrands for Good with Langbrett, Madrid & Arc'teryxBrands for Good with NST and BergransBrands for Good with Pyua and NeokdunBrands for Good with Row Like A GirlBrands for Good with Salewa and BleedBrands for Good with Sicomin and Jones SnowboardsBrands for Good with Volcom & Social Team EventsCairn Helmets & GogglesCoal's Brad Scheuffle with their Spring Break & Scott Stevens collab piecesEven industry heavyweights have to eat their lunch off the floor every once in a while. TSA's Shannon & Orchard and Dragon's Sam Nelson Cold Water Surf platformCold Water Surf platform Cold Water Surf platform Cold Water Surf platform Cold Water Surf platform Eivy Girls with their, founder Anna Vister, Anna Eschwey from Nitro through which Eivy is distrubted in Germany and our Anna Langer, German EditorEmily Ackner giving the Women in Board & Action Sports a stretch seshFlow Snowboarding's Lucien Vink with the first asym boa Tracer boot and NX2 bindingFlow's new Enigma, derived from their previous Darwin modelGiro premiered their new Vivid lenses by Zeiss that dramatically enhance contrast and clarity of visionGiro's new premium set up for women - new Ella google with magnetic quick change system & Vivid lense with the new Stella helmet with conform fitIndiana's Maurus Stobel with the new Carbon 8'6 Wave Hardboard SUPIndiana's new 12'6 Wood Touring Hardboard SUPIsland TribeIsland Tribe new range of sun protection that is now Reef Safe with no harmful ingredientsISPO PolygonJones' Seth with their women's Dream Catcher split and Mind Expander for drawing creative linesK2 Formula bindingK2 MaysisK2 Party PlatterKari Traa new base layer set Akle Longsleeve and PantKari Traa Winter Running Tove Jacket & Louise TightsL1's Sam Taxwood signature jacket and Overall Mizu's German speaking territory distributor, Flo Fischer a part of the Reusable RevolutionNikwax's shake test for their hydophobic down. The brand is celebrating 40 years and are the only water-based & PFC-free company on the marketNitro's Alex Konz with their new Phatom CarverNitro's Alex Konz with their Venture ProNitro's Quiver seriesNRS new Thrive & the first inflateable Yoga SUP that features a padding exactly the size of a yoga matNRS' David Blue with the new waterproof travel bag including waterproof zippersO'Neill's Eva, Brandwave's Oli Robinson & O'Neill Wetsuits' Joe TurnballOakley Athlete Rooster Signature Goggles - Flight Deck XM in Jamie Anderson's Wanderlust design and Kazu Kokubo A-Frame signature style Rokka Army GreenOakley Men's Outerwear - Timber Jacket & Pant with 15K BZS and Mid Layer DWR FP FZ HoodiePatagonia's Descensionist backpackPatagonia's Descensionist jacketsRestube has a new even slimmer & slighter Swim modelRestube's Johanna Hellinghausen showing the new Swim version inflatedRide's 92 bootRide's Rodeo bindingRide's WarpigSalomon's new Villain with Launch boot and District bindingSalomon's Rumble Fish with Kiana boot & Hologram bindingStarboard's Carsten Kurmis with the new carbon Pro surferStarboard's new Kids SUP range comes with a booklet on water safety but also tips for healthy nutrition & eco friendly living that schools can buy or rent for their pupils - a favourite of Eliane Droemer of boardsportsPRTailgate Alaska Tailgate Alaska - Atelier snowboardsTailgate Alaska - Flux's Tyler Warren pro modelTailgate Alaska - Rossignol's Sushi & Sushi splitTailgate Alaska 1Tailgate Alaska 32Tailgate Alaska Caro snowboardsTailgate Alaska Feisty SnowboardsTailgate Alaska FreshlinesTailgate Alaska LTB SnowboardsTailgate Alaska Maverick snowboardsTailgate Alaska One accessories standTailgate Alaska The noboard revolution!Tailgate Alaska Thomahawk outerwearTailgate Alaska TriAAA SnowboardsThe North Face's Brigadine jackets from their Steep Series. Ergonomic cuts and now with Gore-TexThe North Face's Pulse jackets from the Steep Series. This line is down to 2 jackets from 7The North Face's Summit Series is super lightweight and stripped down, to stay cool and with plenty of ergonomic features for ascendingWatersports Village Pool for testing SUP gear, fashion shows and an array of other watersports events for visitors to join and watchWatersports Village providing Chaning Rooms for visitors to test SUP gear in the big poolWestbeach's Jake with the Paramount jacket and Paul with the DaredevilWomen In Boardsports - 7Sky Life publisher Coco Tache, Longboard Girls Crew founding member Valeria Kechichian & snowboardings flagship femminist Anne-Flore MarxerWomen In Boardsports - Capita team rider Klara Dinold & WiB fairy Marlene NiemeierWomen In Boardsports - Discussion GroupsWomen In Boardsports - Media Office at the booth for Facebook live and other shenanigansWomen in Boardsports - Register NOW for the upcoming events in Barcelona & LondonWomen In BoardsportsWomen In Boardsports booth with a "Hall Of Fame"Women In Boardsports Content Manager Emma Shoesmith & fitness coach Emily AcknerWomen In Boardsports firsttimers Source Editor Harry Mitchell Thompson (middle), Dragon's Sam Nelson (right) and WiB Fitness Coach Emily AcknerWomen In Boardsports head lady Alba Pardo Tatche and co-founder Daniela MeyerWomen In Boardsports Lunch attracted a whole lot of females that work in the Action Sports industry and look for a place to networkWomen In Boardsports Networking LunchThank You ISPO - now back home, to where the mountains are for German Editor, Anna Langer