UK agency Ragdoll took on the Mervin account for the UK last winter and after a season of snowboard (and ski) demos, the company’s focus has shifted to surf with Lib-Tech’s durable, eco line of surfboards, and accordingly to Surf Snowdonia in Wales. Recognised globally as the first fully functioning man-made wave complex that is open to the public while also championing a commercially viable business model, the location in North Wales plays the ideal host for a surfboard demo, producing an even playing field with consistent waves rolling through every minute or so.
Ragdoll’s Lauren Lidford was pleased with their first surfboard demo: “We wanted to gather our key UK retailers together at Surf Snowdonia to give them a fair crack at testing our latest line of surfboards. We have two drops per year, and showing the guys these boards gives them the opportunity to test our new offering before our next pre-book deadline. It also allows us to get together to surf, chat, BBQ and drink some fine Snowdonia Pale Ales together in an environment less informal than a showroom with order forms!”
The demo saw several key UK Lib-Tech retailers including Exeter’s Board Basement, Cardigan’s Tonnau, Edinburgh’s Freeze, Secret Spot from Scarborugh and a fleeting visit from Ellis Brigham on the hunt for some new summer product inspiration.
One Eyed Monster gallery by Harry Mitchell Thompson.
The calm before the stormSetting upDon't let the long hair and calm demeanour deceive you, Secret Spot's Scotty is as millitant as they come when it comes to allocating surf time slots. Team Mervin & DaKine - L-R, Remi Chaussemiche, Flavien Foucher, Lauren Lidford and Nicolai NotterTeam DaKine - new recruit Remi Chaussemiche and Flavien FoucherFreeze Pro Shop's Mark and big RabTonnau (Cardigan, Wales)'s Ben & DylanSecret Spot's Scotty - the power of the brace!Mervin's UK powerhouse, Lauren Lidford and Freeze Pro Shop (Edinburgh)'s Surf Buyer, MarkMatt Burt & Lauren talking shopRemi TV!The Board Basement (Exeter, England) team, Ben, Tom (sorry for the eyes!) and Stu. Secret Spot (Scarborugh, England)'s Carl is a true hero and a gentMervin's new EMEA Sales Manager, Nicolai Notter frothing to put his new planks to the testTonnau Surf Shop (Cardigan, Wales)'s Ben - a very well connected chap!A legendary pairing - Secret Spot's Scotty and Mr Matt BurtDaKine's Remi floating one of the topIf you listen hard enough, you can hear Matt Burt whispering WAPOW!Mervin's Nicolai having bucket loads of funSecret Spot's Scotty drawing lines Secret Spot's Scotty on a sliderBoard Basement (Exeter, England)'s Ben on top formEllis Brigham's MD Rob Brigham and Operations Manager, Anna Thompson stopped by on the way to their annual Managers MeetingPoor Ben from the Board Basement just wanted a nice relaxing tub, instead he's now all over the internetTannau boys lapping up that good lifeThe Secret Spot boys reliving the day's magic