Shops 1st Try, Hochfügen, Austria, Jan 19-21, 2025 gallery review.

Shops 1st try went off with a bang at its new location in Hochfugen as 1,284 registered attendees from 39 countries crowded into the test village for 3 days.

The 246 shops and 53 distributors plus numerous industry figures that attended kept the brands busy all day. Using the new version of the CANDY digital rental system 10251 products were tested by shops, industry, media and staff compared to 8390 products at last year’s event. Of these figures shops tested 7548 products. (3812 Boards, 2853 bindings, 341 boots, 542 accessories compared to 6525 products. (3305 Boards, 2364 bindings, 242 boots, 614 accessories for the prior year).

The top 5 brands for testing where Burton followed by Jones, Nitro, Rome and Bataleon. Test results of each of the product categories was as follows;  for boards: Capita then Jones,Nitro, Burton, Libtech with the Jones Howler being the most tested:  for boots Burton then Deeluxe Thirtytwo Nitro Bataleon with Burton models taking 4 out of the top 5 positions; for bindings Union then Jones Rome Burton Nitro with Fase and Supermatic’s models taking all top 5 positions and for accessories Oakley then Dragon Anon Giro and Xion with Oakley having 3 of the top 5 models tested. The positioning of the indoor area right next to the test village was a great success with the indoor booths busy after the lifts had closed. A big thumbs up to the Muck and the 1st Try crew and mark your calendars now for the next instalment of SHOPS 1st TRY on January 18–20, 2026.  Enjoy Source’s photo gallery of the show below.


122 Shops 1st try



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