Sport Achat, March 2022: Grand Return After 2 Year-Covid Enforced Break

Sport Achat is traditionally the last winter sports show on the European calendar and this year, since ISPO was not held in January, it was also the biggest winter sports show in Europe.

There were fewer brands and retailers present at this year’s show compared to normal as some brands and retailers were (and still are!) working through the impact of Covid. In general, brands were happy with pre-book levels for 22/23; most brands spoke of a 20% increase on 20/21 levels as retailers were keen to place orders to replenish their stocks.

So all in all, Sport Achat returned as a useful show to order those last minute pre-book items and for the wintersports community to get some valuable face-to-face time at last.

Check out our One-Eyed Monster gallery below

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110 Rossignol Snowboards
110 Rehall Outerwear
110 Spy goggles and helmets



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