Low Pressure Studio sales meeting images & roundup
Switchback presentationHalldor presenting the 16/17 Lobster lineHalldor and Dennis Dusseldorp preparing for the Switchback presentationCreative director Danny KiebertprojectDETOUR special late release boardHarley was on site to promote the projectDETOUR boardDBK is stoked on the new gear!Halldor sporting a hoody from his new outerwear label, AtripJeremy Sladen of The Snowboard AsylumAustrian agent BjornDanny is the life of any partyDBK and his girlfriend enjoy the arcade nightDBK can do it allDennis and Japanese distributor KeitaGalya designed the graphic for the late release Evil Twin Artist EditionHalldor getting weird on the jumpHardcore will never die!International team manager L'ArrogsKas nose press for the paparazziMalachi (BC Surf and Sport) gets a tattoo from Galya Gisca.Malachi, and the US sales team touring Amsterdam the traditional wayShuan Murphy on his his first trip to europeThe lights went off and the lasers came on.Tyler Chorlton indoor method