
Globe FW19/20 Cruiser Preview

Retail Buyers Guide:  Cruisers 2019

Brand: Globe
Interviewee: Dave Gitlin, Senior Skateboard Designer


What is your collection theme and which stories are you telling to get customers stoked on cruisers with a true boardsports flavour?

We’ve got a new offering featuring Revenge trucks called our Onshore series. They’re for the guy (or girl) that surfs when the waves are up and wants to catch a bit of that feeling on land when they’re not.

Are you noticing an increase in female riders? Are you targeting this segment specifically?
I think Globe has always had a rather large female customer base when it comes to our cruisers and longboards, though we’re not necessarily designing female-specific styles. A lot of our floral patterns and classic colour-ups have been fairly unisex by nature.

What are the most important shapes for 2019? Are shapes getting wider?
Wider shapes and more female participants may be going hand-in-hand in some cases. In skate decks, 8.25”-8.5” sizes have grown in popularity largely due to girls wanting a wider more stable board. That same mentality, along with a revival in old-school boards is causing us to look at widening our offering.

Which technical features are you the most proud of ?
I’ve got something really exciting coming down the pipe… but can’t say much until it’s here!

What are you doing with (eco) materials, colours and graphics?
Fall ’19 has a wide variety of effect-driven styles. Large reverse wood-burned art, cork textural inlays with bold patterns, and a few of our key styles are getting a full tiger-camo overhaul.

Please name and describe your 3 highlight pieces and items that retailers should definitely order.
1. Onshore Series
Developed to offer an enhanced surf-like experience, The Onshore series features Revenge trucks allowing for a greater range of motion while maintaining enough stability to push like a normal cruiser.

2. New flavors in key styles like blazers and swallowtail cruisers. In addition to seasonal tiger camo colorways, these styles have a full assortment from basic to high-end & everything in between.

3. Cork longboards
With longboard sales back in healthy form, look to originals like these to stand apart from the generic & come-lately brands.

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