Hydroponics 2022 Longboards Preview
Retail Buyers Guide: Longboards 2022 Retail Buyer’s Guide
Brand: Hydroponic
Interviewee: Jordi Quinto, SKATE Specialist
Have supply chain issues and delivery issues been resolved yet?
The situation is slowly going back to normal, and we hope next year it will be working as usual.
Now that events are beginning to happen again, are you focusing more of your marketing on them?
Longboarding events in Spain are down from past years, the scene needs to recover and get strong again with Downhill and Dancing events as it did during the 2010s.
What are your collection themes for 2022 and what stories are you most proud of?
We are doing an Official Collaboration with SOUTH PARK during 2022, so you can expect a few surprises in that category.

Vicky 20 South Park
What shapes and board sizes are currently trending?
Drop-Through boards are always a popular choice with shops and riders, they keep being in demand, as well as a few Dancing models.
Is sustainability a focus for this year? If so, how?
At this moment there is not much new in this area. We have improved our Packaging and Deliveries with more sustainable products and hope to keep doing the same in the following years.
What are the Longboard must-haves for retailers to get in the coming year?
The HYDROPONIC X SOUTH PARK Drop-Through and Dancing decks are a must, as well as the DT small versions we have for kids as their first contact with longboarding.

DT30 Kenny
Best Sellers
The SOUTH PARK X HYDROPONIC Official Collaboration features a Collection comprised of Drop-Through 3.0 decks (39,25 x 8,75), and Dancing decks such as the PIXIE (43,5 X 8,5) and the VICKY 2.0 (46 x 9).
All of them with 7 plies of Maple along with Epoxy Resin and 1 ply of Fiberglass to guarantee their strength and maneuverability. The DT 3.0 are good entry-level decks for Freeride starters, while the PIXIE and VICKY 2.0 are perfect dancing boards for any kind of longboarder who’s attracted to dancing.