Indiana 2023 SUP Preview

Indiana 2023 SUP Preview

Retail Buyers Guide:  SUP 2023 Retail Buyer‘s Guide
Brand:  Indiana
Interviewee: Niki Dietrich, Head of Sales

2022 has been marked by overstocks for many players in the SUP industry. Was it the case for your company?

The general market demand dropped dramatically in 2022 with the war situation in Eastern Europe and the resulting energy crisis. The end consumers were very insecure and very cautious when spending money. We are also affected by this and have a higher stock level than in recent years.


Inflation is in everyone’s mouth, so how do you keep up with the costs rise (production/shipment)? How much of an increase of price points are we talking for 2023?

Even with globally rising raw material prices and labor costs we were able to negotiate with our factories and suppliers to offset many price increases. Therefore, we decided for 2023 to keep our retail and wholesale prices on the same level like 2022. Also, the sales conditions (volume discounts, shipping costs, payment terms etc.) stay the same, so NO increase of prices in 2023!


Spring is on the corner: can you guaranty an early delivery of goods in Europe?Deliveries for 2023 are safe. No delays.


Which inflatable models are you pushing in 2023? Please list the technologies/materials which make those iSUPs outstanding?

On the material side we are still using the best quality that is available on the market depending on the price category of our boards. On the technology side, we have introduced our “SUP 2.0” features in 2021 that distinguishes us from our competitors. Our motto is “more functionality for relaxed paddling fun” and we will promote this “SUP 2.0”-features also in 2023. One example: our split-finbox combined with the smart-fin bolt is outstanding and makes the life of every SUP boarder so much easier.


Hardboards: is the category worth stocking for retailers or is the D2C channel more appropriate for such SUPs affiliated with experienced riders?

Our hardboards are -of cause- dedicated for our retailers. Sure, the transport-effort and size to store the hardboards is more challenging as for inflatable boards. Also, the capital-commitment is higher for dealers. To compensate these disadvantages of the hardboards we offer dropshipment to our retailers. This is reducing the warehouse/capital risk for the shops and helps us all to sell more hardboards.


What do you offer when it comes to foiling/wing in the SUP category? Is the foil still boosting SUP sales?

We have several SUP boards, that close the gap to the foil/wing sport. Our bestseller is our 10’6 Wind & Wing SUP. It’s an inflatable SUP board for windsurfing and also for wingsurf due to two side fins in the center of the board. Other boards are our hybrid-boards or how we call it our “All-in-One” hardboards like our 135L and 166L boards, that can be used for SUP, Windsurf and Foiling. Using this boards helps enormously to learn wingfoiling.


Brand new in 2023, we will launch a collection of Downwind SUP FOIL boards. With these boards SUP riders can profit from the foil technology and start to “fly” already with small waves and low tail winds. Our Downwind SUP FOIL collection offers two carbon models in 8’4 and 7’6 length from our shaper and foiling expert Gunnar Biniasch.


Any piece of advice to give to brick & mortar retailers concerning their order sorting?

Contact our sales reps or agents. If not happened already, they can offer you special sales programs or marketing tools and can help you to find the best boards + accessories fitting to each store and its positioning or orientation.


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Indiana 2023 SUP Preview

Indiana 2023 SUP Preview

8’4 Downwind SUP Foil Board

Indiana 2023 SUP Preview

Indiana 2023 SUP Preview

10’6 Wind and Wing

Indiana 2023 SUP Preview

Indiana 2023 SUP Preview

Brand Previews


116 Indiana SUP

Retail Buyer’s Guides


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