
IRIE DAILY FW20/21 Men’s Streetwear Preview

Retail Buyers Guide:  Men’s Streetwear FW20/21

 Brand: IRIE DAILY                    
Interviewee: Patrick Kreßner – Head of Design & Product


How is the situation in European boardsports retail from your perspective?
I think the market is in a phase of transformation. We see the change from analog to digital, from offline to online and from conventional to sustainable.

What are your main price points for next season?
Also here we’ll see a transformation. The ongoing low interest rate policy of the EZB and the European Governments is leading to a higher inflation rate. The result are more expensive consumer goods. Further the will of many brands to act more sustainable, will also affect the prices. The past has shown that there is a change of the costumers mind. Not everybody is just on the search for the cheapest prices anymore. There are more and more people who are aware of the fact, that they can make a difference with their buying decision.


What is your collection theme and which stories are you telling to get customers stoked on streetwear with a boardsports flavor?
The Collection Theme is: Future Matters – Stay Different!

This means we are making great efforts to change our products to be more sustainable.

What is the “must have” boardsports look (head-to-toe) for next season?
Hooded Blouson Jacket (out of Recycled PET) – like our Rewind Jacket

Fleece Troyer (out of recycled PET) – like our On Top Troyer

Statement Artwork T-Shirt (out of Organic Cotton) – like our Time 4 Action Tee

Cargo Sweat Pants (out of Organic Cotton) – like our Cargonia Jogger


How are fits evolving in tops, bottoms, outerwear?
The fits are still relaxed and casual.

What are you doing with materials, colours and textures?
Now we are using recycled nylons and polyesters for our new jackets and organic cotton for all T-Shirts and Sweaters.

What are the trends in prints, graphic designs and patterns?
We feature a lot of vintage and ethnic inspired patterns this season.

Which trends do you see currently happening in the denim segment? (Seasonal colors, distressed jeans, washes, best sellers, etc)
We bring denim to the upper garments like jackets, this season. Further Corduroy still is a big theme this season.



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