
Its On Zinc Sunscreen 2024 Preview

Retail Buyers Guide:  Sunscreen 2024 Retail Buyer’s Guide
Brand:  Its On Zinc
Interviewee: Mitch (Michael Lippstreu), Marketing & Sales

Please tell us about your innovations for 2024?
2024 we’re offering a 10 g can of our natural zinc sun protection and skin care (in addition to the already existing 30 g and 50 g can). This mini size comes with a small price and is for that reason very interesting for beginners and water sport tourists that don’t use it on a daily base for the entire season.

What are the main ingredients you are using and how do you address sustainability/eco friendliness in your products?
Besides our UV-filter (zinc oxide), we use a mix of natural ingredients to not only gain re- liable sun protection, but also moisturizing, skin caring and wound healing effects. Espe- cially Lanolin and Kaolin are making a real difference when it comes to the skin caring properties of It’s On zinc.But when it comes to (mineral) sun protection, the question what we’re not using seems at least equally important. We’re not using titanium dioxide as additional UV-filter and that is important to us since there are studies that classify titanium dioxide as hazardous to the health. It’s not just about the application for the end user, but also about the manufacto- ring. In particular, inhalation is considered carcinogenic and is therefore highly problema- tic. In addition, the European Commission has issued a ban on the use of titanium dioxide as a food additive. Sustainability is one of our core components. I want to highlight the consequent avoidance of plastic. It’s On comes in a aluminium screw can with paper labels. The can can be clea- ned and used to e.g. store jewelry in it once it’s empty. For shipment the cans are wrapped in corrugated cardboard and to avoid trash we offer refillable wooden displays for our pro- ducts.

Please tell us about your marketing campaign for 2024?
Our vision is to grow long lasting relationships with our business partners. We do believe, that quality, reliability and authenticity is still key to success. For that reason we offer out- standing customer service, accompanied by social media marketing and product sponso- ring for opinion leaders.


How is your product relevant for the boardsports industry? Do you specifically target action sports clients?
Boardsports are outdoor sports, especially the face is often exposed to the harmful UV ra- diation. The founders are both dedicated surfers and snowboarders and know about the importance of reliable sun protection. Due to it’s valuable ingredients It’s On zinc offers outstanding skin caring properties in addition to reliable sun protection. We’re not running paid social media ads in this moment, but are targeting action sports cli- ents through product sponsoring.

What other benefits, apart from sun protection, does your product offer?
It’s On zinc offers outstanding skin caring and wound healing properties in addition to re- liable sun protection. The skin is getting moisturized and more soft after just a few days of usage. Even the small skin injuries, that easily become inflamed when in the ocean every day, can easily be treated with It’s On zinc. Just keep the wound covered and it will be history within a few days.

Why should retailers stock your brand & your latest collection?
We’ve learned that, when push comes to shove, the price is one of the major selling fac- tors. We took this into account with our 10g can allowing the retailers to offer high quality sun protection in a plastic free packaging on a small budget. Besides the price a major topic are the colors. For that reason we’ve expanded our color range in addition to the natural brown we’ve added blue, grey and white.


What POS are you helping retailers out with?
We provide product brochures for the customer, stickers, posters and displays free of charge. For the website and webshop we provide detailed product information as well as product pictures. In addition we also provide our partners with a competitor comparison, swot analyzes, sel- ling arguments and USPs.

Key Products:

10 g can of It’s On zinc sun protection:
offer water resistant high quality mineral sun protection and skin care in a plastic free packaging. The paste is easy to spread and protects your skin while you do what you love.

30 g can of It’s On zinc sun protection:
offer water resistant high quality mineral sun protection and skin care in a plastic free packaging. The paste is easy to spread and protects your skin while you do what you love.


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