Retail Buyers Guide: SUP S/S 2025 Retail Buyer’s Guide
Brand: Jbay.Zone
Interviewee: Massimo Vanzin, R&D
2024 was a balancing act: getting rid of the 2022/23 inventory and introducing fresh SKUs. Did it turn out as you wish it would?
Yes, it went exactly like that. We can confirm that we worked hard to eliminate, or almost drastically reduce, the stock from previous years to focus on some new products for 2025. In addition, we have introduced a significant quantity of products specifically designed for chain stores, with surprising sales results.
How do you foresee the future of the category? Turning into a legit sport for the masses or still mainly use as a leisure activity by occasional participants?
It’s hard to say, but in any case, occasional users are a very important part of the market, at least in our country.
How do your brand differentiate itself in the overcrowded “allround” segment? Pricing, technology, durability, wow factor?
We have worked a lot on pricing, to offer a complete and quality product at a similar price as entry-level and anonymous products that can be easily found on Amazon.
The second bestselling category would be “adventure SUPs”, which spreads from the touring boards to the fishing/multi-user/river models. Which are the trending segments within your brand?
The best-selling models are always the All-Round ones. Our All-Round boards are extremely recognizable among others due to their distinctive design, good accessory pack, and excellent price-quality ratio.
Inflatables: Which are your flagship models for SS25?
For 2025, we are working on some new products in line with the general renewal, updates will come in the next few months.
Hardboards: who is your target customer for composite boards and what do you have to offer for SS25?
We do not deal with hardboards.
What kind of support do you offer for retailers? (pre-orders sales terms, in-season restocking, dropshipping, in-store demos…)
We certainly offer drop-shipping to retailers, but also the possibility of FOB and support in the territory with open days, participation in events, and charity events. The strong presence on major social media, combined with the above activities, gives the retailer excellent brand awareness to rely on.
Key Products:
Comet J1:
Is the Stand up Paddle for beginners par excellence. Those approaching the inflatable SUP for the first time are looking first of all for safety and stability and we can find all this in the Comet J1

Comet J1
Rush CJ1:
All teenagers who want to learn to paddle aboard a fast Stand up Paddle will find the ideal SUP board in Rush CJ1.

The Comet TJ:
Model is a 12’6” 30’’ Touring SUP that is faster than an All-Round model.

Comet TJ 2k23