Jobe 2020 SUP

Jobe 2020 SUP Preview

Retail Buyers Guide:  SUP 2020

Brand: Jobe Sports International
Interviewee: William Doornekamp, B2B Marketer

Jobe 2020 SUP

How is the SUP market trending sales-wise in 2020 compared to previous years?
SUP is still up! We still see a really good growth in the market and forsee this for the future as well. It’s no secret that the double digit growth in the market is gone but the market is still alive and kicking.

What is your vision of the market segmentation, from the core SUPer on the one hand, to the once-a-year paddler?
At Jobe Sports we focus on making the sport accessible, this helps everyone. It grows the sport and also allows for more opportunities within the core segment.

Apart from the entry-level allround model, which categories are trending? (touring, waves, race…)
Apart from the allround models, the touring SUP boards are definitely trending for us. We have some traction in Wave and Whitewater thanks to our Venta WindSUP and our Bamboo’s which are performing well on the waves.

Do you think hardboards can bounce back and regain market shares on inflatables?
This is a tricky one, inflatables will always be bigger than hardboards. But this doesn’t mean hardboards should be out of the picture, we just need to focus on the core consumer or on consumers who live near the water. Also, rental points who are located directly to the water can get a lot of value from hardboards. So, for us it’s important to put our marketing efforts for these customers towards the right consumer!

Jobe 2020 SUP

Jobe Desna 10.0

What are the main innovations within your 2020 range (inflatables & hardboards)?
2019 was the year of the major innovations. The new x-stitching construction which has been received exceedingly well amongst our retailers. Combine that with our stringer and added rail tape and 2019 was the year of innovation for us at Jobe. So, 2020 has been a bit more quite because; why change a winning team?!? But we are working on some big things for the near future!

Do you value the foiling market?
The Foil market is definitely growing, and we do see this and get requests for is. Although it is not a focus for us in 2020, who knows what we’ve got going on for the following season..

This may sound candid but don’t you think the mere size of SUPs has impaired their inshop storage, thus leading to the success of online sales?
I don’t believe this to be true. Online success is a general growth in all markets, not just SUP and is just something which happens everywhere. And the Brick & Mortar stores are still important! There are dealers doing considerable numbers of SUP in their store. Especially the hardshell SUP, although less in comparison to inflatable, is a product which the consumer needs to see and feel.

Jobe 2020 SUP

Jobe Yarra 10.6

Any piece of advice to brick&mortar retailers concerning their order sorting? (as there is only so much room in their shops and so many SUP categories/models available)
Off course it differs per dealer and their target audience, but my 3 pieces of advice would be the following:

1: Don’t forget accessories! Lot of shops don’t focus on this but there’s a lot to gain in selling an electric pump or triple action pump. These don’t take up much space and there’s a demand amongst customers.

2: Don’t forget the importance of cross-selling! We’ve seen dealers, who sell our SUP’s but combine the sale with one of our matching softgoods This easily increases sales and provides you with a happy customer who’s fully kited out for the season.

3: With all the online hectic, focus on the perfect “Omni-Channel” experience. There is still a major demand for brick & mortar but sometimes this seems to be forgotten by everyone. Consumers are more demanding nowadays and want a high level service, both on- and offline. You see shops having a slow online shop, consumers opt-out and don’t even take the shop in consideration, while the offline service might be some of the best ever. Creating a consistent level of service! Shops can stock a lot of products in their warehouse, while showcasing just a few models in the showroom. When consumers look online and see something is in stock, they can go to the shop and an employee can pick it out of their warehouse to show the physical product.

Best Sellers
Please name and describe your 3 highlight pieces and items that retailers should definitely order.

Yarra 10.6: Our crowdpleaser for years and the board for everyone! The Yarra is a durable SUP for a competitive retail price. This makes for a perfect balance between price and quality, a must have for every shop!

Desna 10.0: The Desna is our answer for the low-prices SUP’s. With the Desna, we made a SUP which targets the consumer who comes in and wants a cheaper SUP. BUT without losing the quality! So it has all the specs you need; Double Layer, Heatbonded tech, X-stitching and more!

Portable Pump: This piece has been a hotseller! Consumers don’t want the hassle of pumping a SUP and when they’re in a shop, this portable pump is the answer. If you’re selling SUP, you should sell these as well.

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