Looking Sideways episode 100a&b. Danny MacAskill & Nicolas Muller. Photos by former SOURCE art director, Owen Tozer

Looking Sideways Podcast Celebrates 100th Episode With Interview Doubleheader

Action sports podcast platform Looking Sideways celebrates reaching its 100th episode with doubleheader interviews featuring snowboarding legend Nicolas Muller and trials cyclist extraordinaire Danny MacAskill. Head over to the Looking Sideways website to see the whole back category. Listen to episode 100a and 100b below.

Looking Sideways episode 100a&b. Photos by former SOURCE art director, Owen Tozer

Looking Sideways episode 100a&b. Photos by former SOURCE art director, Owen Tozer

Press Release: To mark my ascension to triple figures, I wanted to stoke my loyal listeners out AND do something that sums up the spirit of the podcast. So I’m releasing two episodes at the same time and calling them BOTH episode 100.

Episode 100a, is the first instalment, and is my interview with the great Danny MacAskill. Danny is a professional street trials rider who is one of the great stars of the viral age. In many ways, his career is emblematic of the way that action sports and the wider media landscape have evolved over the last decade. Danny came to prominence when he released Inspired Bicycles, a film he made with some mates around Edinburgh which quickly became one of the defining viral films of the last ten years.

It also made him globally famous, with the opportunities afforded by such a platform, and he took full advantage of it with a string of peerless films that upped the ante with each release, showcasing the full range of his creativity and sense of humour.

Episode 100b, is the second instalment, and is my interview with the great Nicolas Muller. Where do you start with Nicolas? For over two decades, he’s epitomised a style of snowboarding that sums up everything great and creative about our unique sideways art form. He’s one of the true GOATs, a master of every type of terrain who has shaped snowboarding in their own image..


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