BoardSport Source Issue #106 April/May 2021

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It’s been some 12 months! While the virus still rages across certain corners of the planet, the vaccination is providing much needed optimism. As previously reported, boardsports practiced in summer have benefited greatly from the boom in solo sports and despite the dismal winter for snowsports caused by widespread travel bans, this summer is looking like another one for the record books

We are in the midst of a meteoric boom in surfing and skateboarding. Demand has outstripped supply from shipping to stock, right the way through to raw materials. Where possible companies have moved production closer to home, but all summer eyes are currently firmly fixed on the many layers of the supply chain

With the rise of staycation combined with furloughed staff, the number of new participants to our sports has soared. And now they’ve invested a year of money, time and pain there’s a good chance they’ll stick with their new favourite sport. They enter the sport purchasing beginner setups and while not all will rise through the ranks and spend accordingly, those who do are the future of our business.

We also have the Summer (and Winter!) Olympics coming up shortly and while snowboarding’s viewing figures rank highest at the Games, the global spotlight awaits our summer boardsports.

Categories not previously subscribed to the pre-order model have had to adapt to better plan for their production cycles and here’s hoping the pent-up demand from a locked down winter will allow retailers and brands to clear their inventories and that this can carry on through to winter.

I managed to move my family from East London down to the Cornish Coast of England during the third British lockdown and on speaking with local retailers and lifeguards, they are bracing themselves for another summer of pandemonium. While this is good for business, no one likes the idea of busier line-ups, but with the wave pool arms race showing no signs of slowing, there are a few more waves to go round. At least this is how I’m justifying my wave count to the locals!

Always Sideways
Harry Mitchell Thompson

On the cover Joao “Janita” Alves Torq/Roam sales representative Portugal. Photo by Ricardo Bravo

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122 Jones splitboards/boots/bindings
120 Indiana SUP
121 Armstrong wing/foil


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