Naish 2020 SUP

Naish 2020 SUP Preview

Retail Buyers Guide:  SUP 2020

Brand: Naish 

Naish 2020 SUP

How is the SUP market trending sales-wise in 2020 compared to previous years?
We see an increase in interest for inflatables especially from europe. Composite boards are staying the same with a tendency to slight decreases compared to 2019. Overall we our pleased with the health of our SUP segment of our brand.

What is your vision of the market segmentation, from the core SUPer on the one hand, to the once-a-year paddler?
Core SUPs in the race segment are still going strong. Especially on our end we see that those dedicated customers are focusing on event results which makes our line strong due to Casper Steinfaths presence and success. Core Wave SUPs are on the decline. It seems that more and more of the former SUP wave guys are getting back into prone surfing which makes that segment a bit weaker than in the past years.

For the once a year paddler we feel that most of those customers are now looking for inflatables. The use per year is limited and they therefor prefer the easy storage of an inflatable.

Naish 2020 SUP

Mana G

Apart from the entry-level all round model, which categories are trending? (touring, waves, race…)
Touring boards in both composites as well inflatables are gaining ground world wide.

With race boards we also see ongoing demand for both inflatables as well as composites. With the composites targeted towards the serious race customer with widths going down towards the 22” width range. Which shows that the skill level of this group is quote high.

On SUP wave boards we have been seeing increased interest in our combo boards that can SUP surf,  SUP foil and also be used for wing-surfing. The Crossover models are also gaining popularity with their 4 in 1 versatility.

Do you think hardboards can bounce back and regain market shares on inflatables?
That market might have plateaued. The easy storage of an inflatable is hard to beat for customers who are not looking for top performance but who simply want something to paddle around, that is light. The price segment of inflatables is also lower and lower which increases the interest from customers who would otherwise rather rent a board.

What are the main innovations within your 2020 range (inflatables & hardboards)?

  • An increase of models in our touring range which features cargo nets – bottom features to increase directional stability and a huge sweet spot to carry gear
  • On inflatables we carry a variety of the models rangling from racing over touring to recreational stable but compact boards as well as a windsurf crossover model. We have also just added 2 models that are meant for the use with our Wing-surfer and a foil. We have also added light weight inflatable raceboards which are becoming more trendy
Naish 2020 SUP

Nalu GTW

Do you value the foiling market?
Absolutely. Foiling is a massive part of our vision and we take it very seriously for all sports from kiting to windsurfing, Wing-surfing with a foil, windsurf foiling, sup foiling and surf foiling. The fascination is undeniable.

This may sound candid but don’t you think the mere size of SUPs has impaired their inshop storage, thus leading to the success of online sales?
That is a factor for sure especially when you look at the margin they make the size it takes up in there store especially if they have a softgoods business. With the cost of Brick & Mortar rents continuing to grow it only make it more difficult to compete with bigger online business’s.

Any piece of advice to brick & mortar retailers concerning their order sorting? (as there is only so much room in their shops and so many SUP categories/models available)
Be smart with your board collection don’t try to compete on pricepoints that online competitors are dominant in. If you do have a plan, offer discounts on lessons with purchase etc, customer service.

Best Sellers
Please name and describe your 3 highlight pieces and items that retailers should definitely order.

The Nalu 10’6” X32 is for paddlers who want timeless, classic longboard SUP performance in surf and flatwater with additional stability. Versatile and easy-to-ride, this classic longboard shape is ideal for anything from flatwater cruising and fitness training to wave riding. An additional 2” of width—when compared to its 10’6”, 30”-wide counterpart—adds increased stability, making it more accessible to a larger user base. It also shares many of the same features, including its classic rockerline, recessed deck and thin rails, for ideal performance in small to medium-sized waves.

The Nalu 10’’10’’ x 32 Also versatile and easy-to-ride, the Nalu series features a classic longboard shape ideal for anything from flatwater cruising, fitness training and waveriding. A solid one-board solution, Nalus offer a recessed deck and full rails—increasing stability while maintaining performance. The Nalu 10’10” GTW is an all-around, extra stable design for touring, carrying gear, tandem paddling and small surf.

With the addition of multiple channels running form the tail to nose makes for a truly well rounded versatile SUP board.

The Mana 10’ is perfect for beginners and those looking to grow their SUP skills. With their wide outline and exaggerated wave design, Manas are incredibly stable and easy to maneuver in medium-to-small surf. Versatile and easy-to-store, they are the ideal choice for those seeking an easy, all-around cruiser with a limited height. The V bottom shape and exaggerated tail rocker deliver great turning ability, while the extra-wide outline delivers the confidence and easy any rider needs to feel quickly at easy whether surfing or cruising.

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