Retail Buyers Guide: Snowboards F/W 2025/26 Retail Buyer’s Guide
Brand: Never Summer
Interviewee: Tony Sasgen - International Sales Manager
How was last season in the snowboard market?
I suppose that all depends your perspective and who you ask, if we are measuring units sold it was OK. I’ve learned it can’t be good everywhere all the time, however riding wise, I had lots of days on snow with friends and my family so from that perspective it was a great season. Business wise, it feels like we are getting through the oversaturation of product. All that extra inventory that did not sell has to go somewhere. Shops have had pressure to order more precisely based on what they can sell out of their location to be successful. Depending on the online sales for success can lead to heavy carryover. Large volume of carryover of product can be a painful lesson. In the entire world, we have a limited number of total snowboarders. All brands have a responsibility to produce accordingly.
With the recent overall price increases, have there been any positive developments in manufacturing, sourcing, or logistics?
We have been battling raw material costs since the beginning of the brand in 1991, so nothing new there. Of course during COVID everything went crazy with the attempt to stock pile materials after we all see the frenzy created from empty shelves. Logistically, the cost of moving raw and finished goods has levelled and become competitive with pricing which helps. Overall things seem to have settled a bit and have stabilized somewhat.
What are the major trends you’re seeing with product pricing in the snowboard market?
For Never Summer, the premium snowboard market has typically been our space in the industry. All brands across all categories, boards, bindings, boots, and outerware have had to increases prices. Never Summer Snowboards produces in low volume compared to the big brands and those production numbers we gather are based on hard numbers/orders we have from our retail partners and international distributors. If you do not over produce and over sell you will have less product to discount, theoretically speaking, and shops will maintain a better margin. We do not control the prices of raw materials, labor, and logistics so most of us manufacturers are dealing with the same challenges in many cases. All manufacturers are subject to the price of raw materials, shipping, and labor so we all will adjust pricing accordingly.
E-commerce Vs. physical retail, how are you balancing both channels?
The online vs. shop physical retail experience is finding its balance and will continue to evolve. Let’s face it, having a physical location that has product on hand to sell to meet the immediate needs of consumers is going to be important until the end of time. The key seems to be having the right products at the right time. If you have the same product lines as every other retailer it could be hard lesson finding out now you now have to compete on price. There are different types of consumers and their preferred method of purchasing should be their choice. If you want to walk into a shop to ensure the size, model, color, without dings or scratches that is up to you. If you believe in the online method of purchase better suites your needs, who are we to tell anyone how they should spend their money?
How are you supporting retailers to sell this category?
Support at the local retail level typically comes from the local reps and their relationship with each retail location. We have a network of reps across the U.S. and internationally that is set up by the local distributor for that given country. Never Summer has worked hard to keep distribution limited in each market. We want the retail partner that does work bring in the brand to have some geographical protection so we do not stack a bunch of shops on top of each other with the same product. As a brand, we value each and every retail location and it is viewed as a partnership. Some of these long time Never Summer dealers have helped us build the brand. Personally, shops that I work with directly in my territories can get support in the form of demos for the shop staff and customer base to have the chance to test product. Getting potential customers on the product helps remove any doubt of the product fit.
What unique brand messages are you focusing on for the 2025/2026 snowboard season?
Since day one and forever, Never Summer Industries puts the focus on quality materials going into a long lasting snowboard built by craftsman. We have been putting new tech into a highly versatile snowboard, this is key to having well rounded snowboards that can handle all types of snow/ice conditions and all terrain. Our NEW R.I.P. Edge Tech holds an edge like nothing else. This R.I.P. Edge tech will go deeper into the Never Summer line and will be available on more models moving into 25-26
What trends or developments are you seeing with regards to board construction, shapes, and general innovation? How is this shaping your 25/26 range?
We are continuing to test new tech and materials that are being well received by shops and end consumers and take those new options into the line on more models. The customer base has spoken loudly and the positive feedback with our new profiles that feature the R.I.P. Edge Tech, Triple Camber as well as Recurve has been overwhelmingly positive. The Triple Camber and Recurve profile hold an edge in all conditions like nothing I’ve ever ridden before.
Are you using any new materials in your hardware for 25/26? If so, what and why? We’re interested in anything new in inserts / edges / cores / sidewalls / glue / resin/ wood types / base material / top sheet / wax / etc..
We have been experimenting with some new carbon weave patterns that are adding additional strength as well as some extra snap. We are still using the tried and true sandwich construction with our P-tex sidewalls and sintered P-Tex bases.
Any new design or pattern approaches in your 25/26 gear? Any collabs on the line?
Another special colab we are excited about is the Never Summer x California Grass Roots x legendary skateboard artist Jimbo Phillips – The Llama. Twin, park, freestyle all-mountain snowboard. Equipped with Recurve Traditional Camber.
Are you planning to focus on a special product range or type of customers? What’s your newest range?
We have updated the Proto Line to the Proto Type 3. We will have the Proto Freeride, Proto Type 3, Proto Ultra, and the All New Proto EclipseWe are getting the recurve profile deeper into the line on more models.
Key Products:
Llama – Never Summer’s tirelessly tested ultimate freestyle all-mountain snowboard. Equipped with Recurve Traditional Camber, generates explosive pop and boost in and out of turns. This soft-flex true twin is perfectly balanced for spins and riding switch. It locks in on carves – load it up and it springs you into the next turn. R.I.P. Edge Hold Technology. Asymmetrical heel-edge. features three camber zones arched into a full traditional camber profile for powerful energy.

Men’s Proto Type 3:
The Proto Type 3 is your go-to for mad fun all mountian freestyle days. Features Recurve Traditional Camber, R.I.P. Edge Tech, T3 Twin Emboss, Twin Early Rise and Float Mechanics, Blower Stance, and True Grit Topsheet. It’s all about versatility, whether you’re spinning off side hits, charging through slush, or gripping and ripping icey slopes., kill everything board…including the biggest, most technical halfpipes all over the world.

Mens Proto T3
Womens Proto Type 3:
The Women’s Proto Type 3 is the perfect all-mountain daily driver. Twin shape and mid-flex make it a go-to for park laps and playful days on the mountain, while the Twin Early Rise and Float Mechanics and blower stance keep you stoked on powder days. Packed with Hybrid Triple Camber, T3 Twin Emboss combined with Automated Carbon Fiber Stitch Technology, and True Grit topsheet. This board can lock into presses, snap onto rails, and stomp landings with ease. R.I.P. Edge Hold Technology will help you stay locked in on ice, straight tracking off lifts, and keep you moving on the cat tracks. The Women’s Proto Type 3 is all about versatility.

Women’s Proto T3