James Otter

New Book Coming Soon ‘Do/ Make The Power Of Your Own Two Hands’ By James Otter

Coming this September is the new book ‘Do/ Make The power of your own two hands’ by James Otter, award winning surfboard designer and shaper. The book is a guide encouraging readers to get out and make, to improve self-confidence, learn a new skill and a greater appreciation of the creation process.

Check out our brand profile with James’ company, Otter here.

James Otter

James Otter

The power of your own two hands.
James Otter

Published by Do Books
3rd September 2020 

£8.99 paperback original (£5.49 ebook)
30 colour photographs
ISBN: 978-1-907974-86-1

“Through the act of making, we reawaken our hands and minds to reconnect with the beauty of the natural world around us. Making allows us to slow down, offers an opportunity to grow in confidence, and can lead to a deeper sense of purpose.”
James Otter

Recent times have seen many of us reconnecting with making things – from baking, gardening, to all kinds of arts and crafts – the act of making has provided solace in an uncertain world. The process of making can be an antidote to our fast-paced lives and has been linked to increased memory, mood, and focus.

In Do Make, award-winning wooden surfboard maker James Otter shares his love of craftsmanship in this essential guide for anyone who wants to rediscover the joy of making. This instinctive experience is like no other. When we pick up a tool and make an object to be used and cherished, we find meaning and purpose in both the process and the outcome.

Do / Make The power of your own two hands

Do / Make The power of your own two hands

Full of optimism and encouragement, Do Make invites us to reconnect with our hands, our creativity, our environment, and ourselves. As we let go of the idea of perfection and embrace mistakes, we learn new skills, find focus, and grow in confidence. Nothing quite beats the feeling of having made something with our own hands.

In Do Make, James Otter explains:

  • That making things isn’t about perfection – it is about enjoying and trusting the process
  • That we become grounded and more centred when making
  • How not to become daunted when we start out
  • How to find creative flow when making

For further information and to request a review copy or an interview with the author, please contact Fiona Smith: [email protected] / +44 (0) 7831 193250


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