Nidecker’s new Supermatic commercial returns snowboarding to the big (and small) screen
The Revolution Will Be Televised.
Cinemas, YouTube, TV screens… Nidecker Snowboards’ new video ad for their automatic Supermatic binding is everywhere right now. We caught up with Brand Lead Thierry Kunz to lift the lid on a project that’s caught the attention of the industry.
Why did you make this ad?
We knew from the start that Supermatic would be a game-changer, and that’s how it’s gone down. It’s not just shaken up the hardgoods market, it’s actually changed how a lot of people ride. We wanted to build on that momentum and help grow snowboarding as a whole by presenting Supermatic to audiences outside the usual scene. Skiers, ex-snowboarders, the once-a-year rider, folks like that. So we spent months developing an ad which would showcase the benefits of Supermatic in a fun and engaging way. It’s different to making a straight-up action edit for the core and just as challenging in its own way. We spent hours agonizing over the details of every clip to make sure it was the best it could be.
Who was involved?
It was a true all-hands-on-deck operation – everyone at the brand bought into the concept and pulled together. Our riders Izzy and Kealan killed it up at Zermatt; the whole crew were up the mountain super early to get the shots we needed Our partners at Ivresse Films shot it, put the edit together and took care of the music. Once we got to the picture lock stage, Freestudios in Geneva took over and did an incredible postproduction job – colorgrading, tidying up the shots and balancing the audio. And none of it would have been possible without some amazing project management from L’Echappée Belle. It was a real team effort with lots of moving parts.
What’s the goal now?
To use this commercial to show the whole world that Supermatic is out there and making snowboarding easier than ever. The ad’s running on JetBlue and American Airlines flights to all their big snow destinations and will be shown at all the major global film festivals. We’ve done deals with local cinemas in partnership with key Supermatic dealers, and of course it’s going to be all over social. That’ll keep the hype going as the next stage of Supermatic unfolds, with new variants, new sizes and new colors right around the corner.