
NSP SUP 2024 Preview

Retail Buyers Guide:  2024 SUP Retail Buyer’s Guide
Brand:  NSP
Interviewee: Sander Blauw – Global Sales Manager

Carry overs were the go-to choice in 2023 to help clear the retailers & distributors existing inventories. Did the strategy pay out?
Yes, like everyone we had stock to clear, it’s cleared… (mostly. To be honest, some of it is still clearing) but to keep the market fresh it was important to introduce new shapes and new models that were well received and these have helped to build demand in 2023 as well as reorders for 2024. We listened closely to the shops to help them on their sell through while staggering the launch and introduction of new models and shapes that complemented the remaining stock on hand , but most importantly did not cannibalize or destroy value of their older stock on hand. A delicate game to manage but worked well and built trust with dealers, retailer and customers. This is how we will continue to work moving forward into 24/ 25. On a positive, the over supply has led to some great price offers which has helped to continue to bring new paddlers to our sport… and we are seeing some of these customers upgrading to newer models. In short it’s a great time to buy boards with amazing value.

When do you think supply and demand will balance out and why?
We remain optimistic with realism, keeping our feet firmly on the ground and our belts tight. Some key categories were not impacted, while others are returning to normal. Key categories such as race have continued to do extremely well and demand continues to outstrip supply with production capacities fully booked. The record numbers of athletes at races like the ICF in Thailand in November 2023 set new records of athletes attending from traditional western markets but also many new Asian markets. The problem child of the industry is the overstock is inflatables take may take another 1- 2 seasons to clear… for others, possibly longer

What is your product strategy for next season? Bold and fresh or a more cautious approach?
We remain realistic optimists. Yes, there are a few hot spots bubbling and a major US election on the horizon, but for the majority of people we speak to, they simply want to get on with their lives… without breaking the bank, hence our optimistic approach while keeping our feet firmly on the ground. The ICF World’s in 2023 attracted the largest quantity of participants ever with strong growth driven by new and younger athletes… this gives a very positive signal for the future,  as well strong demand for the upcoming European events plus the US later in 2024. And our sport in general…. both in race and recreational categories. If we focus on the doom and gloom we become our own worst enemies, as an industry we must stay positive and drive the optimism and growth. If as an industry we do not grab the opportunities to stay fresh, relevant and attract hungry new paddlers, we as an industry end up prophesizing our own demise… we must all continue to innovate and drive the growth. Our biggest launch is the introduction of our OMNI board which bridges the gap between recreation boards and race boards. It’s priced competitively at close to half that of regular race boards, without compromise on weight. We’re seeing a progression of regular paddlers  wanting more from their recreational SUPs, but  not yet ready to go all out for the same board as Titouan Puyo or Christian Andersen…. Some f OMNI buyers will progress to racing later, while others will be content with the excellent speed, glide and low weight of the OMNI as it gives them more and greater value while still being careful on their spending in “uncertain times”.

Which inflatable models are you pushing in 2024? Anything new in the technology/material front to report?
We are keeping out stock levels very lean. Interesting to see demand remains strong at opposite ends of the spectrum. On the one side for our entry price point boards, bringing new customers into the NSP ecosystem at a very affordable price, while on the opposite site demand remains high for our high end inflatable race boards. NSP’s Inflatable raceboards uses a unique and  super low drag, removeable fin box that sits flush with the bottom of the board. This simple yet unique design has been super popular and remains a key seller, delivering a competitive advantage.

(hardboard brands only) How important is the hardboard category for your business? Which boards are still relevant in 2024?
Hardboards remain our bread and butter and is key NSP focus on durability and longevity. Our HIT Cruisers remain our top sellers for B2B accounts due to their super durable and don’t require repairs each the rails are hit (or smashed)by first time paddlers, or party goers at a resort. The Elements remain the go to for private buyers, providing a variety of shapes covering a variety of shapes from surf zones, cruising or flatwater touring

How are you supporting retailers through this difficult period?
We listened closely to the shops to help them on their sell through while staggering the launch and introduction of new models and shapes that complemented the remaining stock on hand , but most importantly did not cannibalize or destroy value of their older stock on hand. A delicate game to manage but worked well and built trust with dealers, retailer and customers. This is how we will continue to work moving forward into 24/ 25.

Key Products:

is a game changer, bridging the gap between recreaction SUPs and race boards. Delivering greater glide and speed the OMNI allows paddlers to focus on form, stroke, technique and strategy, Its low profile rails makes it a highly capable board in both ocean swells as well as flat water – it’s the ominiversal board for all riders and conditions.



The INSTIGATOR is an action packed surf sup rocket designed for speed and performance. WItah rocker designed for speed, it’s highly manoeuvrable thanks to it’s sharp rails and squash tail, giving riders the speed and control to ride fast while turning sharp and vertical, hitting the lip with full control. The Instigator brings new life to the category



Just like the fastest land-animal, the CHEETAH is designed for maximum speed in sprints and technical races. Combining the rocker from the NSP Carolina and NSP Puma but with a shallow recessed deck, it’s stealthy lower profile includes sharper nose sharper that together with a more forward standing zone, allows riders to maintain a higher average planning speed for longer.

14' Cheetah Magenta deck

Cheetah Magenta deck

Brand Previews


120 NSP surfboard

Retail Buyer’s Guides


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