Our Move To Subscription Model Explained
Dear Boardsports Industry,
This week we are launching our Pro Content subscription service. As you’ll have noticed, since the COVID-19 outbreak we have been producing more valuable content than ever before. Unfortunately due to economic uncertainty caused by the virus through lockdowns and disrupted supply chains, we need to develop a new income stream to support this additional effort.
It’s not a decision we’ve taken lightly but ultimately to continue creating the volume and standard of content we have been producing since April we have decided to launch our paid subscription model.
This gives you unlimited access to our trusted business articles backed up by over 18 years of reporting by our pan-European team of boardsports journalists. Our in-depth interviews, market insight pieces, company reports as well as our retail and brand analysis gives you the inside edge whether you are an industry professional, retailer, distributor or athlete.
The subscription service model has become incredibly popular in recent times; while 10 years ago you’d maybe subscribe to one or two monthly services, now with Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, Sky Sports, Spotify, iTunes, newspaper subscriptions and not to mention everything from razors to beer, there are myriad ways companies are using the subscription model. Being a b2b boardsports platform makes us a niche of a niche, but what that does mean is content you’ll find behind our paywall won’t be found anywhere else on the internet. We want to continue creating content that helps you do your job better and helps you stay ahead of the game.
To get the ball rolling we’re launching with an introductory offer for our annual package, which is 60% off our monthly rate.
We look forward to being able to provide you with more valuable business insight during these unprecedented times.
Always Sideways
Harry Mitchell Thompson