
Patagonia’s Black Friday Campaigns To Take Action

As Black Friday looms and all the panic buying kicks into gear, Patagonia are taking a different approach to the whole weekend by encouraging and informing customers about important and urgent local environmental campaigns they can support and to Take Action Today. Read on to find out about their European events.


Press Release: Take Action Today.
As the global Black Friday shopping frenzy fires up, we here at Patagonia Europe have been working on alternative, more positive experiences for our customer communities to engage with.

In the run-up to Black Friday and throughout the weekend, our retail stores will be asking their local communities to TAKE ACTION TODAY.

In collaboration with local NGO partners, our stores will be encouraging people to come into store to find out about important and URGENT local environmental campaigns they can support and to TAKE ACTION.

Our retail stores will each work with a specific NGO campaign. There will be store window takeovers, instore events, and supporting social media and emails.

Group/Issue: Friends of the Irish Environment / Climate Case Ireland

CTA: Sign the petition #inmyname and support Climate Case Irelane here: https://www.climatecaseireland.ie
Event: Main event 20th November with Marjan of Urgenda
Sign up to the Facebook Event HERE


Group/Issue: Friends of the Earth UK / Fracking
CTA: Sign the petition to tell the Government it can’t get away with trampling on local democracy and our climate here: https://act.friendsoftheearth.uk/act/stop-government-forcing-fracking-communities
Event: Friday 6pm lead campaigner from Frends of the Earth UK will give a talk on fracking
Sign up to the Facebook Event HERE


Group/Issue: ADDEAR de Haute-Savoie / support local organic farming
CTA: Support ADDEAR de Haute-Savoie to increase organic farming in Arve Valleu here: https://www.unefermepourtous.com
Event: Friday 23rd November – “une ferme pour tous” – tabling instore + talk about the association and live music from Quentin Giroud
Sign up to the Facebook Event HERE


Group/Issue: Limity jsme My / Expansion of the coal mine Bílina
CTA: Support Limity Jsme My and sign the letter against the Bílina mine expansion here: https://www.spoluprotiuhli.cz
Event: Limity jsme will be instore asking customers to sign a letter or sign on the platform
Sign up to the Facebook Event HERE


Grouo/Issue: Free Rivers Coalition / Small hydropower plants
CTA: Help the Free Rivers Italy Association to put an end to the tax incentives for mini hydroelectric plants here: http://www.freeriversitalia.eu
Friday 23rd – Come instore for a coffee and cookies or glass of prosecco and snacks and find out how you can support the team from Freerivers Italia in their fight against the exploitation of our last free rivers!
Saturday 24th – Saturday afternoon we’ll host the activists from Freerivers Italia
Sign up to the Facebook Event HERE


Group/Issue: Free Rivers  Coalition / Small hydropower plants
CTA: Help the Free Rivers Italy Association put an end to the tax incentives for mini hydroelectric plants here: http://www.freeriversitalia.eu
Event: Join us for a tabling with Acqua Bene Comunte (an NGO part of Free the Rivers) from 2:3ppm to 7:30pm along with complimentary food, beer and prosecco!
Sign up to the Facebook Event HERE


Group/Issue: Free Rivers  Coalition / Small hydropower plants
CTA: Help the Free Rivers Italy Association put an end to the tax incentives for mini hydroelectric plants here: http://www.freeriversitalia.eu
Event: Join us for live music, beers and apertivo from 4pm – 9pm. for a Free the Rivers tabling, then pop back in Sunday night to purchase a Mountain of Storms cup where proceeds go to Free the Rivers
Sign up to the Facebook Event HERE


Group/Issue: Ende Gelände / Coal Exit
CTA: Help donate for the further work of Ende Gelände on the immediate coal phase out here: https://www.ende-gelaende.org/de/spenden/
Event: Come to the Patagonia store in Munich this weekend to learn and get involved in all things to do with environmental protection. Environmental groups will be there to introduce themselves and tell you how you can actively engage today!
Sign up to the Facebook Event HERE




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