PrimaLoft Product Engineer Robert Dempsey with the first bale of fine denier high performance PrimaLoft biodegradable fibre

PrimaLoft Announce Launch Of PrimaLoft Bio

After four years of testing PrimaLoft have launched their first-ever synthetic insulation made from 100% recycled and biodegradable fibres PrimaLoft® Bio. This is a vital step forward for the sustainable textiles market.

PrimaLoft Product Engineer Robert Dempsey with the first bale of fine denier high performance PrimaLoft biodegradable fibre

PrimaLoft Product Engineer Robert Dempsey with the first bale of fine denier high performance PrimaLoft biodegradable fibre

Press Release: What is PrimaLoft Bio? PrimaLoft, a global leader in advanced material technology solutions is introducing PrimaLoft Bio. The first-ever biodegradable solution- a proprietary technology that has the potential to transform the apparel industry. PrimaLoft Bio will reduce the length of time our product remain in or are exposed to landfills and ocean, without compromising PrimLoft’s product performance standards. Synthetic insulation was originally designed to withstand the outdoors, PrimaLoft Bio is designed to turn insulation into the outdoors. PrimaLoft Bio is part of PrimaLoft’s commitment to being Relentlessly Responsible.
What are the benefits?
PrimaLoft Bio is a textile breakthrough that begins as 100% post-consumer recycled materials and when it reaches the end of its useable life cycle leaves behind 100% natural elements. In accelerated test conditions simulating a landfill environment, PrimaLoft Bio fibres biodegrade at a highly accelerated rate, as compared to negligible degradation in standard polyester in the same conditions.
How Does It Work?
PrimaLoft has altered the fibres used to produce its synthetic insulation without affecting their performance characteristics to enable them to biodegrade at a highly accelerated rate. These fibres break down when exposed to the right environments like a landfill or the ocean. PrimaLoft has altered the fibres to be more attractive to the naturally occurring microbes found in these environments. The microbes eat away at the fibres at an accelerated rate  returning the insulation to nature!  the biodegradation process leave behind water, methane, CO2 and biomass. PrimaLoft Bio insulation will only biodegrade when exposed to microbes in specific environments so the insulation remains highly durable throughout its useable life cycle in a garment. This technology will not change the performance, look or feel of the garment.
How do you know that PrimaLoft Bio fibres biodegrade faster? What Kind of test did you perform?
In order to  ascertain the biodegradation  rate of the fibres PrimaLoft Bio has undergone extensive thorough testing in conditions that simulate landfill environments. This ASTM D5511 testing has verified the biodegradability of PrimaLoft Bio fibres. In accelerated test conditions simulating landfill environment (ASTM D5511) PrimaLoft Bio fibres have reached near complete biodegradation in 365 days, a highly accelerated rate as compared to the negligible degradation observed in standard polyester, under the same conditions.  Complete biodegradation is defined as the point where gases are no longer being emitted from the material, indicating that only natural elements remain. Testing in marine environments is currently ongoing and we are pleased with initial findings.
What was the development timeline? When will consumers see the technology?
Developed by PrimLofts team of scientist and engineers beginning in 204 it took two years to research, one year to develop and one year to test using a third party laboratory. PrimaLoft Bio is expected to be in consumers hand Fall 2020.
What problem does it solve?
The textile industry is the second dirtiest industry globally second only to oil. PrimaLoft was determined to find a solution at the material level that addressed the issue of plastics in the environment. PrimaLoft Bio directly addresses this issue by significantly decreasing the time it takes for synthetic insulation to biodegrade. PrimLoft is intent on pushing sustainability standards beyond recycling to biodegradability, because recycling aloe is not the answer. Prima Loft is interested in providing the ultimate solution, as we continue our commitment to being Relentlessly Responsible.




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