Shop Name: Pogo Longboardshop

Location: Loewenstein/ South Germany

Age of Shop (years trading): 30 years

Brands Stocked: Pogo, Ninety Sixty, Original, Sector9, Kebbek, Gravity, Loaded, Paris, Randal, Khiro and many more

Website/Social media platform:  www.Longboardshop.eu , www.Pogo.biz , Facebook: Pogo und 


 How do you use social media to your advantage to promote your store?

We show our clients all over Europe that we are authentic, competent and that we live our sport.

What particular product has been the best seller?

Our housebrand NinetySixty 

What is your best selling accessory categories?

Slidegloves for Longboarders, bushings and wheels.

What are the benefits of having a physical shop over simply having an online store?

The people can come here and see that we are real people involved in our sports. We have visitors from the whole world stopping by to see our incredible selection in Longboards and accessories. We also get a great feedback about what people really want or not.

What makes your store different and in what ways does your store excel beyond your competition?

We have our own Pogo Longboard and Snowboard production factory at the store. This gives us a lot of options from repairing broken boards to tuning boards and wheels.  Our team consists of very talented Longboarders, that means expert advice for all our customers. As well we speak German, English, French, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese.

What trends do you see upcoming?

We might start with SUP soon.

What kind of advice can you give other independent retailers who are trying to compete against the big megastores?

These are difficult times to start. Try to be authentic.

What are you doing to pull people into your store?

We do several events every year. There are always interesting people hanging out in our store, like skaters from the international Longboard downhill racing scene.

How’s the skate scene in your local area?

We have an awesome Longboard Downhill scene here in the countryside of South Germany. People go riding basically every day. Our teamrider Matze Ebel  from our local village was second overall in the European Downhill race series 2012.

What have been the best three selling categories for you in the last 12 months?

Longboards and accessories. Snowboards are a little bit harder to sell lately.

Please tell us of any upcoming initiatives your shop has planned? (events, signings, re-vamps etc…)

We will have our 30 year anniversary party october 19 this year. Everybody is welcome to drop by.  


121 Armstrong wing/foil
122 Jones splitboards/boots/bindings
120 Indiana SUP
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