SA1NT FW20/21 Men’s Streetwear Preview
Retail Buyers Guide: Men’s Streetwear FW20/21
Brand: SA1NT CC
Interviewee: Eden Palm/ European Sales

sa1nt FW 20/21 Mens Streetwear
How is the situation in European boardsports retail from your perspective?
Not amazing….. I think there will always be the usual challenges from a branding point of view. From overdistribution to price wars to the internet to Brexit. For us, it is a case of always staying true to what SA1NT stands for: A premium brand that crosses over from core moto to core workwear but being picked up by the skate and bmx kids because of not only an UNBREAKABLE fabric, but an UNBERAKABLE spirit too. The market is crying out for something new, that does not just talk about quality, but actually follows through. SA1NT has been established in Aus for the past few years now, but mainly D2C. We have recently launched in the UK and Europe. We have time, and patience, and will grow this brand over time, correctly- no 3rd party here. Our current UK retailers include The Bike Shed/ Krazy Horse London and Bury St Edmunds (Oxford to follow soon)/ Londownworks Camden/ Urban Rider/ and Idle Torque.
What are your main price points for next season?
UNBREAKABLE denim at £360 or EUR 399 featuring the worlds first single layer protective jeans, with a UHMWPE/ Cotton weave, and WORKS denim starting at £120 or EUR 139/ T’s at £35 or EUR 39
Are you seeing any dominant overall trends for FW 20/21, like work wear?
We very naturally developed from being core protective moto, with the world’s first protective single layer denim to providing workwear based product that was more price point focussed, with a lesser UHMWPE content. As said above, this was picked up by the skate and bmx community, who wanted product that was longer lasting, and in our case our denim is 5X stronger than standard denim.
What is your collection theme and which stories are you telling to get customers stoked on streetwear with a boardsports flavor?
We like to keep the collection simple, and core to our customer. We will always have our key UNBREAKABLE styles in the collection, but adding new flavour with infusing UHMWPE into denim vests, and carrying over some of the technology into the WORKS collection. With simplicity it makes it easier for the buyer, as well as end user, to choose without complications. I hear more and more from buyers, that ranges are just too large and too many options on offer. The focus of SA1NT is always going to be based on UNBREAKABLE denim and the UNBREAKABLE spirit.
What makes this product category important to your brand and what are your USPs?
Our focus has always been to protect people, hence the name SA1NT. By creating the worlds first single layer denim, with the UHMWPE/ cotton fusion, we have literally saved bikers from some hairy situations. We have taken this technology and applied it to a WORKS collection. The WORKS denim is 500% stronger than your standard jeans currently on the market. With the UNBREAKABLE collection, we have created a collection that provides something fashionable and functional, allowing the user comfort, on and off their bike, and lead a normal day but not having to compromise and still look cool. Gone are the days of heavyweight, bulky, awful looking trousers.
What is the “must have” boardsports look (head-to-toe) for next season?
Definitely our Slim fit UNBREAKABLE and WORKS denim, tied in with a slightly oversized SA1NT number 1 tee, and one of our heavyweight woollen beanies. We also have some beautiful Aramid lined quilted flannel shirts. And my absolute fave is the puffer vest, which is great with a jumper underneath.
How are fits evolving in tops, bottoms, outerwear?
In our world, we are finding that there is still a customer who likes a straight or relaxed on their legs, but definitely also a slim works for a completely different type of customer. Depending on what footwear you prefer to wear on and off the bike: boot vs trainer. We cater for both. Oversize t, but slightly so, is where it’s at. We offer protective jackets which carry armour which can be bulky, but also a single layer aramid lined tops as well, which can be worn with or without protection. Protection is always able to be removed, so you don’t look like a star trooper sat at your desk during the day. A lot of café racer guys and girls about town are happy without armour, if distances are fairly close.
What are you doing with materials, colours and textures?
Our DNA is the UHMWPE fabric. It is 15X stronger than steel, and used in everything from armour plating, to ballistic vests. It also floats….. This is what SA1NT was born out of- the fact that we took a material 15X stronger than steel and worked out a way to create a cotton/ UHMWPE blend, that was able to be produced in numerous washes, but remain comfortable with a bit of stretch and maintain absolute strength. Our washes range from black to bleached to indigo.
What are the trends in prints, graphic designs and patterns?
Our focus is always based on simplicity in the design process. We have a very strong logo, so tend to use it well. However, we are in talks with a company regarding a collab. These guys focus heavily on graphics, so watch this space….
Which trends do you see currently happening in the denim segment? (Seasonal colors, distressed jeans, washes, best sellers, etc)
Black is our strongest selling colour- it seems to be popular amongst bikers, most likely because of the fact that bikes get a bit messy at times! For SA1NT the trend always comes back to the strength of what we create, and that is strength itself. We are in a market where we want to keep people safe on and off the bike, as well as in the workplace. Based on that, we spend a lot of time and money in the research and development on always trying to improve. We are constantly evolving.
What is your current denim collection’s theme and marketing story?
As above! It’s the same it has always been and always will be, and that is looking after people.
Which technical and sustainable features are you adding to jeans (stretch, sustainable fabrics etc)?
The UHMWPE blend has always been the most important part of our UNBREAKBLE jeans. We do not create throwaway fashion. We slow down the fast fashion cycle by making tougher and more durable denim garments, which means you wont be replacing them as often. Longer lasting fabric properties, delivering longer garment life, and being more environmentally considerate.
Please name and describe your 3 highlight pieces and items that retailers should definitely order.