Sandbox Helmets SS21 Wakeboard Hardgoods Preview

Sandbox Helmets SS21 Wakeboard Hardgoods Preview

Retail Buyers Guide:  Wakeboard Hardgoods SS21
Brand:  Sandbox
Interviewee: Joel Giddings, Brand Manager

How was Covid-19 affected your business this year and your product line up for 2021? Are there any new short or long-term strategies you would like to talk about?. Where have you seen the biggest changes so far in 2020?
Covid-19 meant a different sell-in process for 2021. With no Surf Expo or tradeshows to attend and see buyers, most of it was done via phone and email. This led us to maintain our product offering and introducing new prints that could be easily viewed on the computer for those that we didn’t get the opportunity to see in person.

Where do you expect the biggest growth in 2021?
We see growth in low profile designs and innovative new prints.

Please tell us about your new innovations in construction and design for 2021.
We have a focus on growing our Legend helmet in cable parks with the low profile design and interchangeable fit pads. For 2021 we’ve introduced a pro model with team rider Anna Nikstad. Anna decided to hand draw a kraken which is a symbol that exudes ferocity and depth — a representation of her.

Sandbox Helmets SS21 Wakeboard Hardgoods

Sandbox Legend Low Rider – Anna Nikstad

In another new design, we contracted a local Vancouver artist to hand spray a graffiti tag and turn it into a digital format that could be applied by hand to each helmet. These water decals on the helmet will be hand placed and give every helmet a bespoke feel.

Tell us about your 3 key products for 2021 and why you think they will be great sellers?
Legend Low Rider – Anna Nikstad Pro Model. The low profile design, interchangeable fit pads, and hand-drawn artwork by Anna make this unique piece.

Legend Low Rider – Tag. Using a local Vancouver artist to hand spray a graffiti tag and turn it into a digital format that will be applied to each helmet by hand will give this product a bespoke feel.

Sandbox Helmets SS21 Wakeboard Hardgoods

Sandbox Legend Low Rider – Tag

Legend Low Rider – Iridescent. This helmet uses an iridescent paint that reflects in the light for a unique aesthetic.

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