
SEN NO SEN Wetsuits FW 2024 Preview

Retail Buyers Guide:  Wetsuits FW24 Retail Buyer’s Guide
Brand:  Sen no Sen
Interviewee: Mathieu Desaphie, founder & designer

 What is your confidence level regarding FW24 orders/preorders? Did retailers manage to clear their shelves of the former collections?
Retailers are a bit chilly on pre-orders because of the past year but in the same time they welcome super good a brand like SNS who didn’t do ridiculous discounts on wetsuits all year long. It opens a bigger space for us definitely.

Winter wetsuits are the second most expensive pieces of the surfer’s kit after the board itself: are high pricepoints a challenge in an inflationary context or are the surfers willing to pay for quality?
Surfers who are attracted by low prices, pay the price in the water and are back to top end products pretty fast. They start to know that adding a few euros for having a good quality and durable product is a better bet than saving a little money but buying a new wetsuit quickly or being cold fast during winter sessions. Anyway, we make strong efforts to keep reasonable prices but our production process is expensive bytheway, we accept that we will not sell to everyone. Our mission is to provide the best wetsuits & service possible. We also avoid retailers problems of returns and warranties.

Will FW24 be a season of carry-overs for your brand or are you pushing new models?
Our new 180zip model is super well received. We can do custom line for our retailers, making wetsuits with the details adapted to their customers. We are the only brand offering this kind of service for retailers.

Neoprene foams can be both sustainable and high-performance nowadays. What rubber compound will you use in FW24?
Mainly the best one: our premium Yulex natural rubber with our finition details.

What technologies/constructions are your outer/inner linings made of?
Our key point is the handmade process, wetsuits are custom made one by one, with the best materials so we are super proud of providing a premium wetsuit to the best surf shops.

What are the latest updates/innovations among your women wetsuit collection?
We have the same quality for men and women. We target women who wants top end product instead of flowers on the arm.

Repair, recycle, upcycle ? How do you handle the afterlife of your wetsuits?
We developed strong partenershio with Tearing Waves repair workshop located only few kilometers from us in Les Landes. We launched a second hand sales category in our flagship store and online store. Then we use dead stock neoprene for making our custom and on demand wetsuits. At least, we make accessories like key rings from used wetsuits. These accessories are made in France to avoid more shipping.

Key Products:

4.3mm 180 zip | Yulex Natural Rubber Olive Green:
The new entry system “180 zip” brings confort and more durability to the wetsuit. Tested and approved by our team riders Joan Duru and Pierre Louis Costes.


5.4mm hooded|Front Zip|:
Our winter best seller, available in Yulex natural rubber. Handmade with best fabrics, the perfect wetsuit for water under 12°c


4.3mm|NoZip| Pierre Louis Costes:
The Pierre Louis Costes colorway in the new No Zip version. Available on custom programm with any colorway possible.


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