SIC 2023 S/S SUP Preview

SIC 2023 S/S SUP Preview

Retail Buyers Guide:  SUP S/S 2023 Retail Buyer’s Guide
Brand:  SIC
Interviewee: Casi Rynkowski, Brand Manager

Many SUP brands expected a comeback to a more rational market in 2022, with a moderate and sound growth. How did things play out eventually?

Supply chain issues and shipping delays pushed stock deliveries until later in the season for some of SIC’s performance goods. As things continue to improve, we expect to continue sales late into the season, ultimately reflecting more typical growth that we’ve seen in past non-Covid years.


 Will you attend Paddle Sports Show in Lyon? Do you think trade shows remain a place where things happen, after a couple years of (quite successful) Zooms & virtual showrooms?

Yes, we will be present at the Lyon Trade Show. The digital world has certain advantages. However, it is important to cultivate relationships and provide an opportunity for consumers to interact with products.


What is your strategy to ensure the SS23 products will end up in stores early in the ’23 season?  

SIC kept much of its line stable for 2023, with some key new editions. This allowed us to continue receiving goods until late in the season of 2022, which has set us up for a positive stock advantage.



 In 2022, the majority of SUP brands did cope with the increased costs of material/shipping, not reflected (that much) of the MSRPs. What about the 2023 models?  

Due to the rising cost of shipping and materials, SIC has had to adjust prices for 2023 like most of the industry. We are hopeful that the market will correct itself but will continue to research manufacturing and shipping option to help lower cost in the future.


Please forgive the recurrent question: Beyond the all-around supremacy, any noticeable movement to report in the other categories (touring, SUP surfing, race, river, foiling…)?

Foiling is the focus for the market right now as popularity continues to rise and new shapes and ideas keep developing. We have exciting projects in development


Inflatables: Which new technologies & models are you implementing in 2023?

SIC is holding steady on its inflatable line for 2023 until the inflatable market stabilizes. The RS Air will continue to serve as the best in displacement shaped, all-water, multidiscipline inflatables. Made with Carbon Fusion Lite Technology with a carbon reinforcement stringer, the RS AIR stands out in performance and technology. The Drop Stitch Construction (DSC) and lightweight, durable Support Stringer Technology (SST) of the Tao AIR is perfect for families that are looking for a super durable board. And our adventure inflatable, The Okeanos Air features Fusion Skin Techonology, the stiffest drop stitch material you can use and for adventure paddling.


Hardboards: Which new technologies & models are you implementing in 2023?  

In 2023, SIC is continuing to grow its Raptor foil board lineup. The new, low-volume RAPTOR PRO 4.11 foil board is perfect for freeriding and chasing speed. We’ve improved the performance of the RAPTOR 5.8 and 5.11 shapes with an updated bottom chine and chisel tail removed, providing better glide and easier release from the water at lift-off. Both the Raptor Pro and Raptor series are constructed using our SFX technology for lightweight performance.   


The RAPTOR LAUNCH is one of the most exciting editions to our wing foil lineup, opening the doors for beginner wing foilers who want a rigid board at an affordable price. Featuring durable, lightweight ACE-TEC seamless construction, the RAPTOR LAUNCH is built to last, making it perfect for first-time wing foilers. 


Key Products: Please supply 1 pic and 60 words on each of your 3 most important key/hero products that retailers should definitely order.

In a world full of cross-over boards, the XRS race board is a master of one thing – flat water racing. Purpose-driven, the XRS provides the best possible length to the width aspect ratio, delivering a stable platform for a racer to power up for speed. It’s a purebred board with a one-track mind:to beat the clock, to win!

SIC 2023 SUP Preview

SIC 2023 SUP Preview


Okeanos Expedition
The Okeanos Expedition Air with drybag style backpack allows you to plan one-way adventures or use your paddleboard as a commuting option.

SIC 2023 SUP Preview

SIC 2023 SUP Preview

The unique drybag-style backpack lets you transport your board from your home to your launch location and store personal items in the drybag while paddling to your next destination. It’s the perfect commuter or adventure-style paddleboard that can take you from water to land adventures.

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112 SIC Wingfoil

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